Everyone returns to school with 50% students, the Ministry specifies: 75%, even if ready, to be postponed. Note



Note number 2241 of December 28, 2020 from the Ministry of Education. Ordinance of the Minister of Health of December 24, 2020.

“I know that some of you have already ‘reformulated’ in compliance with the Ordinance to adopt, until January 15, 2021, the 50 percent participation in face-to-face teaching,” reads the note signed by the department head Marco Bruschi.

And then he specifies: “It is about non-derogable provisions. The precious work that you have all done to respect the 75 percent is, in fact, postponed for implementation. “

NOTE 2241.28-12-2020

The ordinance of the Ministry of Health of December 24 establishes that from January 7 to 15, teaching activities must be guaranteed in the presence of 50% of the student population. The rest of the activity must be carried out through integrated digital teaching.

Schools reopen, from January 7 to 15, 50% of high school students return to class. ORDER OF THE Ministry of Health

