ROME – The campaign vaccination against Coronavirus symbolically came out yesterday, in what was renamed, throughout Europe, as vax day. However, it will be in the first days of the year that the program developed by the Ministry of Health comes into effect, with special attention to the defined categories ”.priorityThe goal is to reach 50% of the population in the first quarter and then complete national coverage by December 31, 2021. Month-by-month planning follows.
JANUARY: doctors, nurses, social and health workers, RSA patients and people over 80 years old.
FEBRUARY: doctors, nurses, social and health workers, RSA patients and people over 80 years old.
MARCH: doctors, nurses, social and health workers, RSA patients and people over 80 years old.
APRIL: patients with chronic diseases at risk and immunodeficiency, school personnel at risk and those over 60 years of age.
MAY: patients with chronic diseases at risk and immunodeficiency, school personnel at risk and those over 60 years of age.
JUNE: patients with chronic diseases at risk and immunodeficiency, school personnel at risk and those over 60 years of age.
JULY: termination of school personnel, people with medium risk chronic diseases, law enforcement officers.
AUGUST: termination of school personnel, people with medium risk chronic diseases, law enforcement officers.
SEPTEMBER: termination of school personnel, people with medium risk chronic diseases, law enforcement officers.
OCTOBER: end of vaccination coverage for the rest of the population without age or health conditions.
NOVEMBER: end of vaccination coverage for the rest of the population without age or health conditions.
DECEMBER: end of vaccination coverage for the rest of the population without age or health conditions.