“When I speak of a few weeks, I say that it cannot be too long, if there is a” Recovery “agreement, well, continue, if there is no agreement it is clear that they will do it without us and the ministers. They will resign. We are not looking for armchairs but ideas. ”He says so the leader of Iv Matteo Renzi at a press conference in the Senate.
On Wednesday morning, Minister Roberto Gualtieri will host delegation IV: “the leaders of the Faraone and Boschi group and the ministers Bonetti and Bellanova will attend. With this delegation we will present 61 points on which we do not agree on the 103 pages of Next generation Eu. ‘for now’ because I will ask the parliamentarians of IV to indicate more suggestions. We will go as combative as ever “, Renzi added at a press conference in the Senate.
“We think that the plan drawn up by the Prime Minister lacks ambition, it is heartless, we see that there is not a single hand to write. It is a sometimes patched collage of pieces from different ministries. You see the bureaucratic hand. who puts the pieces together ”, said the leader of IV.
“Iv’s counterproposal is to start with the word Ciao. The Ciao project brings together Culture, Infrastructure, Environment, Opportunity. The red thread is the word work. We believe that we can create thousands of jobs, ”Renzi announced referring to the Recovery plan. .
Meanwhile I chairmen of the LeU parliamentary group, Loredana De Petris and Federico Fornaro presented to the Prime Minister “the observations and proposals of Liberi and Uguali for the Recovery Plan of Italy. In the document we consider it essential to reaffirm that the funds allocated to Health, equivalent to only 9 billion, are in largely insufficient, even taking into account some transversal programs, ”they said.
“The National Health Service – explained Fornaro and De Petris – is of decisive strategic importance for us. Therefore, much greater resources need to be invested, especially in terms of local care and local medicine. Health, therefore, but also the environment, social infrastructures, education and research, sustainable mobility and the south are the pillars of our priorities ”.
“The whole system of the Next Generation Eu program – continue the two group leaders – links the social and ecological crisis. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the micro-planning approach to adopt an overview, what Pope Francis has defined as’ Integral Ecology ‘., Thus rejecting any green washing operation and the dispersion of resources in micro-projects ”.
In the document, in addition to having pointed out the insufficiency of some of the proposed projects, we ask for the revision, which can no longer be postponed, of the objectives of the PNIEC, massive investments in green and not blue hydrogen, betting on only residual use of gas as an energy resource. There is also an urgent need for increased investments in urban forestry and the circular economy, as well as the energy transition of public housing to enable greater social equity. The goals of mitigating the climate and environmental crisis also require investments in sustainable agriculture and mobility, they continue. LeU’s group leaders. “
“We consider that it is a serious error and that it is necessary to correct – they add – the failure to consider social infrastructures as a strategic axis. In fact, it is a decisive intervention to guarantee the third strategic line of the NGEU, that of social inclusion. Equally inexplicable is the near disappearance of the investment project aimed at closing the gap between the South and the rest of Italy, among the main recipients of the 209 billion PNNR. Finally, it is necessary to invest in the improvement of education and the right to study in favor of lower incomes and strengthen public research, conclude the presidents of the LeU groups ”.