Change the citizenship pension in 2021 me there will be no recharge of the paper from Poste Italiane thanks to innovations introduced with the Budget Law.
For the citizenship pension the provisions of the Article 5, paragraph 6-bis of decree n. 4/2019 converted into law n. 126/2019 that launched the twin measure of citizenship income.
Therefore, the citizenship pension in 2021 can be paid not necessarily by recharging the RdC / PdC card, but with the ordinary pension check.
Let’s see in detail What are the new features of the Budget Law 2021 for the citizenship pension? me How it changes starting next year.
Citizenship pension 2021: this is how it changes
Modify the citizenship pension in 2021 with the Budget Law and the long-awaited decree implementing paragraph 6-bis, which we have said will no longer be necessary.
As of 2021 the citizenship pension can be also delivered in different ways from the recharge of the Poste Italiane card that we are used to. The novelty comes with a amendment approved the text that replaces paragraph 6-bis and that details:
“The citizenship pension can be paid in ways other than those mentioned in paragraph 6, using the instruments that are usually used for the payment of pensions. The methods of implementation of this paragraph are identified with the decree referred to in article 3, paragraph 7. “
The amendment thus states that:
“As of January 1, 2021 to the beneficiaries of citizenship pensions who are holders of other pension benefits paid by the INPS, the benefit is paid together with said pension benefit by the part owed as referred to in article 3 , paragraph 7, on the basis of which the citizenship pension is divided equally among the members of the family unit. “
So beneficiaries of pension benefits from INPS you will get citizenship pension as of January 1, 2021 For him share due with the aforementioned check without having to recharge the Poste Italiane card.
Citizenship pension: no more limits for retirement
With the allocation of the portion owed to the citizenship pension to the citizen who already receives an INPS pension with it, the monthly withdrawal limit of 100 euros is no longer valid for service holders.
A problem that until now has been found for the holders of citizenship pensions for some time pending the decree implementing paragraph 6-bis and that is now supplanted by the 2021 Budget Law. In fact, the approved reform establishes what:
“The limits of use referred to in paragraph 6 of article 5 do not apply to the holders of the citizenship pension.”
This means that the withdrawal limit of 100 euros per month per single person for the citizenship pension disappears, as well as the coercion of a single transfer to pay the rent or even the mortgage, as well as other limitations related to the RdC card. / PdC.
For the sake of completeness, we recall that the income of citizens with new resources allocated also finds space in the Budget Law 2021.