Rome and much of Lazio (the northern area) are experiencing the second day of vaccinations against Covid. After Vax-Day of December 27 with the young Claudia Alivernini, a 29-year-old nurse from Rome, the first to receive the dose of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine along with her other four colleagues, today I am 490 vaccines administered in Lazio, 410 smell.
“Everything happens regularly and I would like to thank the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza for the valuable work they are doing to ensure the safe arrival of the vaccines deposited at the Spallanzani Institute. It has been arranged. Of the Police Commissioner from Rome a precise technical plan that guaranteed the safe arrival of the vaccines at the administration sites ”, commented the Lazio health advisor, Alessio D’Amato, who is visiting the provinces of Rieti and Viterbo today.
In particular inHospital San Camillo De Lellis Sara Miele (nurse), Elio Naviganti (nurse), Sara Di Sabantonio (nurse), Donatella Novelli (nurse) and Massimiliano Angelucci (doctor) were vaccinated. All ‘Belcolle Hospital in Viterbo Paola Perugi (nurse), Silvia Acquilanti (doctor), Giulio Starmini (doctor), Giuseppe Cimarello (doctor) and Elisa Santori (doctor) were vaccinated.
Today, in addition to the two northern cities of Lazio, the vaccines will be administered in the Asl Roma 1 (80 doses), Asl Roma 2 (80 doses), Asl Roma 3 (50 doses), the Policlinico Umberto I (50 doses) , the Sant ‘Andrea AO (20 doses), the Tor Vergata Polyclinic (30 doses), the Gemelli Polyclinic (50 doses), the Bio-Medico Campus (20 doses) and the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital (30 doses).
Alabama Rome GeminiAfter the first 50 vaccinations, as of January 4, vaccine administrations will resume, at a rate of 450 per day. The goal, the hospital said, is “to administer both doses of the vaccine to everyone, 3 weeks apart, within the scheduled timeframe, which is only 40 days.”
Among the 6,500 registered there are Foundation employees (around 65% of Gemelli’s 5,000 employees have so far joined the vaccination campaign), students, postgraduates and doctoral students from the Catholic University, Rome campus, but also personnel from external service companies. who work for Gemini. The vaccination order is established based on the risk of exposure and the priorities of care. – Explain the health sources – Initially, health workers dedicated to assisting in the Covid pavilions of Gemelli and Columbus and those of the ordinary Departments. Even those who have had Covid-19 can get vaccinated, but only in the last booking window. “
Ferment also at Umberto I Polyclinic where 20 nurses, 10 doctors and apprentices from Covid departments, radiology technicians, health social workers were vaccinated. Then it will be the turn of the others. “This is only the first step of a vaccination campaign in which we firmly believe and for which we have prepared ourselves, through awareness-raising activities and promotion of preventive adherence to the vaccine so that the distribution machine is efficient,” he explains. the director of Sapienza Antonella Polimeni – I will also receive the vaccine, following the indications and the order of priorities established, already at the end of the year, giving concrete testimony of how essential it is for everyone to do their part ”.
In addition, today the first 30 health workers in thePediatric Hospital of the Child Jesus. These are doctors and nurses from the Vaccination Operational Unit, the Palidoro Multi-Specialist Pediatrics and the Medina del Lavoro, who will then be directly involved in the vaccination of the rest of the hospital operators exposed to the risk of infection by SARS-CoV2.
“It is a historic moment for our country and our hospital,” declared the president of the hospital, Mariella Enoc-. A sign of hope that invites us to continue our battle against this terrible virus that has more confidently upset our lives. We must be really grateful to the scientists and have confidence in the research, which must be financially supported, starting with young researchers ”.