Coronavirus, 8,585 infections in Italy today with a positive rate of 12.5%. 445 victims



68,681 swabs were made

Coronavirus: the newsletter of December 28 – Today’s data

68,681 swabs were made

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In Italy there are 8,585 new infections in 24 hours, with 68,681 smears performed, with a positive rate of 12.5%, compared to 14.9% yesterday. There were 445 victims, with a total of 72,370 since the start of the pandemic. 2,565 patients are hospitalized in intensive care, with 167 admissions during the day (yesterday respectively 2,580 and 148), while symptomatic patients are 23,932, 361 more than yesterday. There are 548,724 people in home isolation, 6,885 less than yesterday. The total number of positives is currently 575,221 people (yesterday 581,760). The number of discharged / recovered patients increased by 14,675, reaching a total of 1,408,686, and currently the total number of cases amounts to 2,056,277.

In the regions

Veneto continues to be, with 2,782 new infections in 24 hours, the region with the highest daily increase in cases. Next, Lazio (966), Emilia-Romagna (750), Sicily (650) and Puglia (645). The region with the fewest new infections is Molise (7).


Veneto, 2,782 new cases and 69 deaths

There are 2,782 new cases of coronavirus positivity registered in the last 24 hours in Veneto, bringing the total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic to 243,434. The figure comes from the Regional Bulletin, which reports 69 more victims than yesterday, bringing the total to 6,107. The pressure on the wards of non-critical hospitals is growing, with 3,007 hospitalized, 77 more than yesterday; in intensive care there are 4 fewer patients, for a total of 387 hospitalized.

Puglia, 645 new infections and 47 deaths

Out of 4,147 tests carried out in the last 24 hours, 645 new cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in Puglia: the percentage of positives is 15.5% in the tests carried out. The number of deaths is high, reaching 47. The highest number of infections, 269, occurred in the province of Foggia; 219 in the province of Bari, 86 in the province of Lecce, 30 in the province of Brindisi, 18 in the province of BAT, 16 in the province of Taranto, 4 residents outside the region, 3 cases of province of unknown residence. Of the victims, 18 are in the province of Foggia, 16 in the province of Bari, 1 in the province of BAT, 4 in the province of Brindisi, 3 in the province of Lecce, 5 in the province of Taranto. Since the beginning of the emergency, 1,012,689 tests have been carried out. 31,533 are cured patients and 53,157 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 87,084.



Marche, 131 positive for “molecular”, 4 for “antigenic”

In the last 24 hours, 131 positive coronaviruses were detected in Marche from ‘molecular’ swabs: 57 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 29 in the province of Macerata, 26 in the province of Ancona, 11 in Ascolano, three in the province of Fermo, and five from outside the region. On the last day, the Health Service of the Region reports, “1,039 swabs were tested: 474 in the new diagnostic route (62 of which in the antigenic route screening) and 565 in the cured route (with a positive / tested 27.6%) “. In the antigen detection route, based on the 62 tests, four positives were found (to be subjected to the ‘molecular’). In this case, “the positive / tested ratio is 6%”. Molecular swab positive cases include 23 symptomatic subjects; there are also contacts at home (24), close contacts of positive cases (38), contacts in a work environment (5), in living / social environments (4), in a care environment (1), contacts with the participation of students of any level of education (4), detection of medical care pathways (2) For another 30 cases, epidemiological investigations are still being carried out.
