“The infections are minor, it is because we do so many swabs”


VENEZIA – Contagions in Veneto, there is still controversy over the numbers. Except, compared to two weeks ago, politics is now making itself felt, with Rifondazione calling for the resignation of the Governor Luca Zaia and the Democratic Party that, instead of asking its government for guidance, which for weeks classified Veneto in the yellow band, accuses the Region of not having sufficiently tightened the restrictions. In between are the numbers, incontrovertible: yesterday another 2,779 new cases. The percentages are struggling: contagion rates at 36% as they say in Rome (which takes up the data from the very Venetian Azienda Zero) or at 8% as the Palazzo Balbi struggles to repeat, which counts not only molecular swabs in the calculation. but also rapid tests? Thus, in the diverse and different narratives of this second wave of the virus, everything becomes a motive for political conflict. Also of exploitation. The discovery that the English version of the virus was found in three Venetian citizens has become a battleground on social media, with an accusation that is unlikely to say the least: researchers at the Venice Zooprophylactic Institute (en whose Board also sits a representative of the ministry della Salute) the Venetian variants were invented to allow Zaia not to be crucified.

THE NUMBERS Let’s start with the numbers. On Christmas day, the Ansa news agency headlines: More than 5,000 cases in Veneto, positive rate of 36%, three times higher than the national average of 12.5%. The day after Zaia released: “Veneto is treating all its patients, we have around 3,400 Covid and 7,000 non-Covid, we are not like Bergamo in March.” But politics runs its course. And it is also friendly fire. From Lombardy, a region governed by the center-right with the traction of the Northern League, the Councilor for Welfare Giulio Gallera does not rule out: “They did not treasure what happened in other places.” In Veneto, the opposition goes further: “A catastrophe, Veneto is a national emergency,” says Article One regional secretary Gabriele Scaramuzza, who arrives on the air as health commissioner. Paolo Benvegnù, from Solidarity Environment Work, a formation that in the last elections was supported by the PRC and the Communist Party, has no doubts: “Zaia resigns.” And the group of the regional council of the Democratic Party: «The English variant of the virus is also present in other regions and does not explain the case of Veneto. On the other hand, Zaia would have to recognize that the situation is serious, that there have been mistakes and responsibilities of her own, starting from the messages that are never clear and the decisions not taken. Accusations to which Alberto Villanova, leader of the president of Zaia, responds: «Perhaps the Democratic Party does not know it, but the decision to leave Veneto in the yellow zone in recent weeks was taken by its own government. From the Democratic Party only looting our health.

THE COMPARISON And what does Zaia say? The governor repeats that the figure of 36% of infections is not true: “The truth is that we do a lot of molecular swabs and fast but if all the positives are loaded only in the molecular, a high percentage comes out. Then, a note came from the Region’s Prevention Department stating that the table released in recent days by Azienda Zero -that is, the one that has made 36% infections – provides an erroneous reading of the trend of the Covid 19 epidemic in the Veneto Region, in particular with regard to the percentages of the number of positives in the swabs performed. Like twenty days ago. But why does Azienda Zero, a Veneto organization, disseminate data whose reading is later challenged by the Region? Palazzo Balbi’s response is that Azienda Zero must follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health, which date back to last February, when only molecular swabs were made. And the Prevention Department has also published other data showing that the contagion rate in Veneto is lower than the national one: not 36%, but 8% against 14% registered yesterday in Italy. In December (partial data) 407,754 swabs and 684,519 antigen tests were performed for a total of 1,092,273. Which, compared to 88,705 new positive cases, is precisely 8%. The ministry, then, would have promised to disclose all the data, including those of the rapid tests. Meanwhile, the controversy continues.

Last updated: 16:10

