“We have developed a plan to reorganize the local public transport in order to be ready by January 7 for the reopening of the school with up to 75% attendance. All the Italian Regions have already prepared the minutes for the reorganization of the Tpl ”.
Thus, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Paola De Micheli, at a House hearing on local public transport with a view to reopening schools.
Still: ”With the resumption of secondary school from January 7, it was necessary to review the movements of the home-school to avoid the risk of contagion in the population. A reorganization of local public transportation and planning of school, office and business hours is necessary. For this reason, the coordination tables will be managed by the Prefecture with all the Regions and local authorities and road transport companies ”.
Then: “The actions that have proven to be most effective in regulating peak-hour demand in urban areas are: differentiation of school hours, both incoming and outgoing; As a rule, unless particular situations require greater differentiation, said differentiation must be distributed at least 120 minutes of entry and exit time slots (8.30 -10.30 and 14.30 – 16.30); the differentiation of the schedules of the university classes, beginning with at least 1 hour of difference in the schedule of the morning; extensive use of public and private smart work; the shifting of the start-up time of commercial and productive activities, starting at 10 am, with the participation of mayors who have the power to regulate the hours in cities ”.
Still: “It should be based on the premise that the epidemiological surveillance data and the available scientific literature demonstrate a global and satisfactory efficacy of the measures and protocols adopted, highlighting that the risk of contagion in the school population, also in consideration of the short time of staying on board public transport does not present levels higher than the risk to which the general population is exposed ”.
Then add: However, when analyzing the spread of the virus in the school-age population, a higher incidence of infection cases was observed among the oldest age groups of the student population (over 12 years old) or in the portion of the student population, that for psychophysical development, self-responsibility and freedom of movement, it is exposed to more important risky occasions in activities related to the school environment and on trips ”.
Finally: “My battle over the staggering number of schedules is not directed exclusively at the school. The availability of so many mayors to stagger the opening hours of offices and shops in many Regions made it possible to avoid critical situations. It is obvious that there will be some problems. In my opinion, of the 107 Provinces with all the differentiated models, we will have very positive results, averages and some critical issues on the days of school reopening. It is obvious that such a complex, articulated and deep system will have to be tested in the first phase when we try to deploy more people to help citizens and students make the best possible local public transport options ”.