“I’ll get vaccinated when it’s my turn, passport time is …


Zaia during the anticovid vaccination in Treviso

Zaia during the anticovid vaccination in Treviso

“Surely I will get vaccinated, but only when my turn comes”: to say the president of Veneto Luca zaia in an interview with Corriere della Sera. Yesterday in Campania, Governor Vincenzo De Luca, 71, was vaccinated, drawing harsh criticism, including from the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistrisis.

Zaia, who yesterday baptized the first anti-life vaccines: «In Veneto we had a 90% pre-membership. But I think the time has come to get a health passport. Airlines have started saying they want guaranteed vaccinated passengers, but hospitality establishments, convention spaces, etc., will soon start asking for it. In Veneto, of course, we can act quickly.

In the high number of positive in Veneto and on the question of the (presumed) high percentage in relation to tampons, Zaia affirms: «The situation is serious, Covid is a nightmare. But we go every day to the region with the highest number of infections. We have always done a lot of quick swabs. However, they cannot be included in the statistics. Or better: the positives are counted, but their number is loaded only on the molecular swabs. But in the next few days, this will change.


«Veneto has the highest number of deaths in Italy and the virus continues to gallop: yesterday another 69 deaths and 77 hospitalizations. Zaia should worry about this, instead of making an instrumental controversy about the percentage of people infected. This was stated in a note by the regional councilor and vice president of the Health Commission, Anna Maria de Verona. Big in of the Democratic Party.

«Do we have a lower percentage of positives because we also have to consider rapid tests and not only molecular ones? Maybe. But the real problem, which Zaia keeps avoiding, is victims and structures that run the risk of collapsing: in December there were more than a thousand deaths, one out of every two people admitted to intensive care cannot get there ”, he concludes.

Meanwhile, Senator Daniela Sbrollini Italia Viva announces ainterrogation Urgent to the Minister of Health Speranza: «Veneto seems to be on the verge of a health situation out of control. Zaia and Commissioner Lanzarote have to tell us the truth, not just what suits them politically. The daily bulletins are used to inform citizens, not to make politicians walk bridges.
