Covid Today: Coronavirus Newsletter December 28. Facts about infections in the Marks


Ancona December 28, 2020 – The contagion gives Coronavirus in Market, as well as the positivity index. the Covid newsletter today, December 28, in fact, 131 new cases (there were 181 yesterday) of 474 swabs processed in the new diagnostic pathway: the 27.6%, down from 33.5% yesterday.

The Marche Region Health Service announces that they have been tested in the last 24 hours 1,039 swabs: 474 new diagnoses in the route (of which 62 in the screening with the antigen route) and 565 in the route cured. In the Antigen Screening Pathway, 62 tests were performed and 4 positive cases were found (to be subjected to the molecular swab). The proportion of positive tests is 6%.

The map of new cases

There are 131 positives in the new diagnostic process, of which 23 are symptomatic: 29 in the province of Macerata, 26 ad Ancona, 57 to Pesaro and Urbino, 3 a Stop, 11 d. Ascoli piceno and 5 outside the region.

the total of people who have contracted the virus since the beginning of the epidemic rises to the height 39,828.

The cause of infections

The why of infections? Of the 131 new cases currently, 24 were born in House, 38 of close contacts with positive people, 5 in the place of job, 4 in rooms of sociability, 1 in the care context, 4 concern students and 2 were detected thanks to the screening of the health route. For another 30 cases, epidemiological investigations are still underway.

Yesterday another 8 deaths

Yesterday in the Marches were eight new victims related to Covid-19, all with previous pathologies.

Safe Marche, the projection continues

Gradually start there Phase 2 of the Generalized Projection Operation Safe brands, sought by the regional administration for the control of the spread and monitoring of the Covid-19 epidemic and the identification of asymptomatic positives.

Starting today, December 28, until 30, at Stop forum, phase 2 for Greater Area 4. The citizens of Porto Sant’Elpidio me Sant’Elpidio a Mare, the two most populated cities in the Fermano area after the capital, who will be able to go freely to the projection points at the Fermo Forum in via Giovanni Agnelli. It will be necessary to bring the health card and the form for the acceptance operations. Once the test has been carried out in drive mode, it will wait in a parking area for about 15 minutes, the result will be communicated by phone. In case of positivity, the molecular swab will be done immediately.

Meanwhile, the screening announcement Ancona, in Palaindoor, until Tuesday 29. Starting on January 2, projection for citizens of San Benedetto del Tronto.

How screening works

The projection, completely free and on a voluntary basis, it is carried out through the rapid antigen swab capable of detecting the presence of the virus and giving a result in about 15-30 minutes. The test is safe and painless.

It is open to all citizens over 6 years of age., also aimed at people who stay in the identified municipalities for work or study reasons. Minors must be accompanied by a parent. People who have symptoms that indicate a Covid-19 infection and those who are currently ill for another reason are excluded from the assessment; those who have tested positive for Covid-19 in the last three months, those who are already in quarantine or in fiduciary isolation, those who have already booked the execution of a molecular swab, those who regularly perform tests for professional reasons, those under 6 years and people admitted to health and social facilities, including public and private rest homes.

To access the test, you must show your valid health card or identity document. the acceptance form and the privacy policy sheet They can be completed at home (also downloaded from websites) or on the spot and for notification of the result a valid email address and mobile number must be provided.

If the rapid antigen test is positive: you are invited to molecular test iin the office or the next day if it is not possible to guarantee in the same office. If it is molecularly positive: the citizen is placed in isolation and follows the established practice including the verification of contacts carried out by the Hygiene Departments. If the rapid antigen test is negative: prevention recommendations must continue: nasal and mouth protection, spacing, disinfection and ventilation. If symptoms arise, contact your GP. Being negative at the time of a tampon does not mean that you cannot become positive after a few hours, so you should keep your attention high and continue to observe the prevention recommendations.

The results

On Sunday, December 27, the municipality of Ancona registered a membership of 1,950 people. They were found 38 positive cases rapid antigen test.

In general in the Marche region since Friday, December 18, they joined 61,593 people with 328 positive cases rapid antigen test. In total, the percentage of positivity is equal to 0.5% while the percentage of adherence to the target population is 19.5%. The positive cases detected were subjected to molecular swabbing.

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