
It is yellow in the Idroscalo di Ostia for the discovery of a woman’s body. The body, completely naked and in an advanced state of decomposition, was wedged between the rocks to the right of the mouth of the port, in the northernmost part towards land. To find out, yesterday after 12.30, it was a neighbor of the area while trying to remove some pieces of wood and logs thrown against the boulders by the storms of the first days of December. The man immediately called the coast guard who, together with the agents from the 10th district of Lido, the police cars and the men of the Scientific Police, circumscribed and closed off the area to recover the body.
Rome, the body of a young woman found in the Idroscalo di Ostia. Investigate the police
According to a first investigative hypothesis, yet to be confirmed, the lifeless body of the woman would have been dragged by the current towards the port during the three days of strong storms that hit the Ostia coast: on December 5, 6 and 7. The body may even have been stripped away by the waves. Finished first against the rocks and then against the stormy sea, with waves of up to three meters, it could have raised it over the first stone barrier, depositing it and wedging it between the boulders where it was found yesterday. Those poor remains would have remained there perhaps for a long time: one part in the water and the other hidden by debris and debris washed away by storms. It is still too early to establish where that body came from and especially if the woman had already died before ending up in the sea. The coroner and coroner are working to try to unravel what promises to be a true mystery. But the long stay at sea does not facilitate recognition.
The woman’s clothing would not have been found on the cliff until yesterday. There are also few items that can be obtained from the body. From a first summary analysis, the remains appear to belong to a fairly young person, perhaps even a minor, perhaps 16 years old. Only the autopsy examination will provide some answers. It must be understood if the woman accidentally fell into the water or was intentionally thrown or was abandoned in the sea by her killer. It is also convenient to clarify the path that the body would take. Fingerprints can only be useful if the skin is not completely macerated by the salt water. However, the test may be useless. If the victim is not a photo reported by the police, the brain of the Interior Ministry could only give a negative result. The same goes for DNA. Collecting it would only be useful if it is already entered in the national database of the central directorate of the Criminal Police. Meanwhile, the agents of the Lido Police Station are reviewing all the disappearance reports presented in recent weeks in Rome and in the municipalities of the Capitoline interior. Among the hypotheses is also that the body may have come from the Tiber, whose mouth is located just three hundred meters from the place of discovery.
Last updated: 06:46