Prime Minister Conte cannot govern for 2 out of 3 Italians


First Giuseppe Conte I would not know how to govern for 2 out of every three Italians. And among those who do not trust the prime minister there are also voters from the Democratic Party and the 5-Star Movement. It is strange, given that according to Palazzo Chigi, confidence in Conte would skyrocket.

Count rejected by 2 out of 3 Italians

On the other hand, according to Libero, the latest polls by the Political Analysis research company directed by Arnaldo Ferrari Nasi, speak of very different figures, not at all favorable to those who govern us. Three out of four Italians think that the national economic situation will be negative for the whole of next year, and only 37% of the population, approximately one third, believes that the current executive is at the height of managing the economic recovery. In short, mistrust in Prime Minister Conte is tangible and constantly increasing, especially due to the second wave, where in just three months the pessimists have gone from 70 to 73%. 10% of optimists, on the other hand, do not give up, which nevertheless is very little compared to the others.

At first there were many who were sure that we would achieve it, but from last June to the present, many of them have changed their minds. In fact, disillusioned people doubled, from 14% to 33%. Beyond sex, education or origin. The substance does not change. But the discontents are not only those of the opposition, 78%, but also the voters of the majority parties: 25% from the M5S, 24% from Left-Left and 15% from the Democratic Party. They admit that their representatives in government will not measure up. Without forgetting that the most unhappy are also Matteo Renzi with his faithful from Italia Viva and Carlo Calenda.

75% of the middle and upper classes of the most dynamic regions of the country are absolutely negative, especially after everything they have lost in recent months and that the government has not compensated in the least, after so many promises made .

The knots reach a critical point

After the crisis of the summer of 2019, the government had managed to mitigate discontent and pretend to be able to govern precisely with the arrival of the Covid-19 emergency. But now the knots have returned to normal and when Palazzo Chigi must have a very concrete plan in mind, both for containment and programming, it is clear that this capacity is totally deficient. The ability to manage the money that comes from Europe is also worrying, so Europe itself is beginning to worry and show impatience. The risk, however, is that this Giallorossi government will manage to survive, obviously badly, as it has done so far.

And then the vaccine arrival theater has just been staged, with video and commentary of every meter of the way traveled by the refrigerated van that arrived from Belgium, with Conte smiling and satisfied with what has been done. But now we also have to distribute the vaccines, and it is not certain that everything will go well, although we all hope so. However, when it is all over and we have beaten the virus, the economic problems will remain and become even clearer. But Italians, survey in hand, seem to have understood who I am responsable.
