Synthetic antibodies for one year of immunity. How London’s anti-Covid super drug works – Il Tempo


The news of the launch of two experimental studies on a drug based on monoclonal antibodies capable of immunizing people against Covid-19 gives new hope to the fight against the virus in the days when the first doses of the vaccine are administered. To explain how it works is Professor Vincenzo Libri, Director of the Center for Clinical Research, University College of London, in charge of the experimentation of the anticovid drug whose potential has been anticipated by The Guardian. “This drug could give immediate immunity,” Professor Vincenzo Libri told Sky TG24, “the principle is exactly that. If we give already active antibodies that recognize the virus and therefore we do not have to wait for the technical times of the vaccine that stimulates natural antibodies, the effect is immediate, as long as the studies give the desired results, we are still at the beginning ”.

Monoclonal Antibodies to Prevent Covid Infection, UK Study

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According to the scientist, this is a study of “a potentially spectacular, grandiose scale. Obviously we are at the beginning so we cannot say for sure, but from the point of view of principle there is the opportunity to treat patients who would not have anyway. advantage from the point of view of the vaccine. In fact, the fundamental difference between a conventional vaccine and a treatment with neutralizing antibodies is that the former stimulates the production of natural antibodies, this treatment – on the other hand – reproduces synthetically, in the laboratory, the covid antibody It goes without saying that a patient who has been in contact with one or more confirmed cases of covid would not gain an advantage in the sense that the vaccine has technical times for antibody production of at least one month, a month and a half. in fact, including covid, require a first vaccination and a booster a month – six weeks, and only after the second booster zo is the production of antibodies at a level that is sufficient to protect against disease. “

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More specifically, “these are – explained the scientist – two identical studies, one is called ‘Storm Chaser’ for individuals who came into contact with positive cases of covid and at risk of developing the infection in 6.7 days, while the other is called ‘Provent’ and it is a study carried out in individuals with other pathologies and immunosuppressed “.” The study will continue for a year, the expectation is that there is protection for at least 6 months a year, a bit like for everyone
neutralizing antibodies also in other pathologies. Based on very clear intermediate positive results of the study, an urgent approval could be requested even before the formal conclusion of the study. In theory, that could happen for March-April, more likely for the summer, in the worst case at the end of 2021, depending on the number of volunteers accessing the program ”.
