the dead for overdose in U.S. The data of the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention“(CDC), according to which there were 81 thousand victims in the twelve months that go from June 2019 to May 2020. These are figures never before registered and that refer to overdoses due to abuse of opioids synthetics, cocaine and of methamphetamine. The peak of the victims was recorded in the period coinciding with the first wave of COVID-19. “The disruption to daily life caused by the pandemic has hit people with substance use disorders hard,” he explains. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC.
They are the opioids synthetics the main cause of death, mainly those based on fentanyl, which in the market is often added toheroin. For this kind of substances, the increase in victims is 38.4 percent compared to the previous year (June 2018 / May 2019). On the other hand, cocaine overdoses increased by 26.4 percent and are often related to the simultaneous use or contamination of cocaine with fentanyl and heroin. As for the victims of the methamphetamine, including the crystal methamphetamine, these had an increase of 34.8 percent, therefore, higher than deceased for cocaine. The increase in the number of deaths, explains the CDC report, refers mainly to theWest from the country. To the explosion of numbers of fatal overdoses, there was also an increase in non-fatal overdoses. The data of the Vermont Department of Health In fact prove that I patients hospitalized for abuse of narcotic substances, But those who did not die were 137 percent more in 2020 than in 2019.
The epidemic of opioids, as it has been called, is a reality that has long devastated many community US. Its destructive effects were especially felt in the more depressed areas of the Northeast and MidwestBut in recent years, as new data shows, drug abuse has spread like wildfire. Let’s take the New Hampshire. The state has a million and a half inhabitants and about 400 drug deaths a year; This means that there are virtually no family members or residents of New Hampshire who have not met someone who has been the victim of an overdose. The severity of the phenomenon is evident when traveling through the two main cities of the state: Concord me Manchester. There are hundreds, especially young people, people lying on the street, with problems of abuse narcotics. the New Hampshire it is obviously not an isolated case. Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, Ohio, Kentucky, Colorado has experienced equally tragic situations in recent months.
However, the phenomenon is old and complex. Especially from the last decade of Twentieth century, pharmaceutical companies have promoted i medici American people prescribe opioids for curative purposes. The campaign marketing, long and aggressive, finally achieved the desired effects. The prescriptions of medicines opioids For analgesic purposes, they have become common, leading to forms of addiction that have been destructive in the long run. the fentanyl, responsible for so many deaths today, was born as a drug in pain therapy, administered before or after surgery and in cancer pathologies. Compared to morphine, has an effect up to eighty times greater, even if the duration of its action is shorter. Used as a drug, in U.S especially since 2013, carries the risk of overdose very high: in fact it is difficult to calculate the overdose. Heroin, which between 2002 and 2013 had produced thousands of dead (an increase of 286 percent compared to the previous decade) was therefore in the latest years replaced by just that opiate, which turned out to be no less deadly.
During the 2016 election campaign, Donald trump had put special emphasis on the question of opioids, promising to intervene harshly against drug traffickers and restoring employment and prosperity to the most affected communities. In fact, in 2018, for the first time in decades, the number of deaths from overdose had decreased. The phenomenon lasted the space of a few months: in 2019 deaths increased again, even compared to 2017. Therefore, the new peak of 2020 must be included in this trend. several decades, but it can be explained precisely with the explosion of the crisis gives coronavirus. According to a recent study by National Institutes of Health, loneliness related to the health emergency and emergency shutdown it is a determining factor “for depression, anxiety, comorbidities”, determining factors in the diffusion of drugs. The closures in recent months have drastically reduced access to services and care for people with health problems. addiction. The measurements of spacing, which have contained the spread of the virus, therefore, have increased the possibility of dying from drug abuse. Still according to me National Institutes of Health, overdose deaths are destined to increase. the experts predict about 75,000 deaths in a year suicides and alcohol and drug abuse.
(In the photo Israel Rodríguez and his ex-wife Sharon Rivera in front of the grave of their daughter, Victoria, who died of an overdose at 21 years old. Calvary Cemetery, New York)