the charge of the 130 vaccinated, including a whole family of doctors


A historic day for Rome, for Italy and for the rest of Europe. In fact, Sunday, December 27, 2020, will be remembered as Vax-Day, or the day of hope on which Spallanzani was given the first doses of the Coronavirus vaccine. A symbolic place, where “it all started”, as explained by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.

The first five vaccinated in Spallanzani

Five INMI health workers are the first to receive the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine. Among them the young Claudia Alivernini, a 29-year-old Roman nurse who became the symbol of this vaccination campaign thanks to “her gesture of love.” In addition to her at the epidemiological hospital, four other colleagues: Doctors Alessandra D’Abramo and Alessandra Vergori, Professor Maria Rosaria Capobianchi (among the doctors who isolated the virus), and health worker Omar Altobelli.

Vaccinations that then continued on Sunday. At the end of the day, 130 vaccines were administered to the Institute’s health personnel and USCAR mobile units, including a whole family of husband, wife and daughter doctors. This is the Magnanelli family that has joined the mobile units since their inception.

Symbolic target vaccine

Vax Day who found the comment of the Health Councilor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato: “The symbolic goal of V-Day has been achieved with 130 vaccines at the Spallanzani Institute. The Covid19 vaccine was applied to the Institute’s health workers and to the doctors who work in the Uscar mobile units. A historic and significant day that saw two symbolic figures like Claudia Alivernini and Omar Altobelli. They were the first woman and the first man to receive the vaccine. The first and young nurse of the Spallanzani Institute with her proud look at the attendance and the second who moved us with her emotion that she knew how to transmit along with the attention to others. There couldn’t have been a better start. Everything is ready for the vaccinations that will continue tomorrow in the provinces of Rieti and Viterbo and in Asl Roma 1, Asl Roma 2, Asl Roma 3 as well as in the university polyclinics and the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital ”.

The vaccination plan in Rome and Lazio

Vaccination plan in Lazio that will resume on Monday, December 28 when it will be the turn of the first health workers from Asl Roma 1, Asl Roma 2, Asl Roma 3, Policlinico Umberto I, Hospital Sant’Andrea, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Policlinico Gemello , Campus Biomedico and the pediatric hospital Bambino Gesù This is the list of the next vaccinated.

Asl Rome 1

Enrico Di Rosa (doctor), Rosaria Nappi (health assistant), Loredana Puglia (nurse), Emanuela Saponieri (nurse) and Marco Sereni (nurse).

Asl Rome 2

Stefano Chiari (nurse), Federica Trani (doctor), Simona Cuomo (nurse), Serena Schilizzi (doctor) and Ruggiero Mango (doctor).

Asl Rome 3

Vincenza Di Sarno (nurse), Carmela Mugnos (nurse), Daniela Reggiani (nurse), Massimo Morosetti (doctor) and Silvio Sirio (nurse).

Umberto I Polyclinic

Gloria Sarcina (nurse), Mario Piazzola (doctor), Katia Bruno (doctor), Enrico Mauriello (nurse) and Maria D’Esimio (nurse).

Sant’Andrea Hospital

Alessia Buschi (nurse), Sara Della Valle (nurse), Rita Bonfini (doctor), Sabrina Dormi (nurse) and Laura Francavilla (nurse).

Tor Vergata Polyclinic

Massimo Andreoni (doctor), Paolo Patarca (doctor), Annamaria Sant’Andrea (nurse), Giuseppina Rita Somma (doctor) and Ermanno Puxeddu (doctor).

Gemelli Polyclinic

Andrea Cambieri (physician-medical director), Carmen Nuzzo (head of nursing), Marco Ruggiu (nurse), Raffaella De Sesto (nurse) and Leonora Balzanti (nurse).

Biomedical campus

Elisa Pierfederici (nurse), Daniele Armiento (doctor), Antonio Lorenzo (nurse), Luciano Lo Corriere (doctor) and Felice Eugenio Agrò (doctor – anesthetist).

Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital

Anna Chiara Vitucci (doctor), Martina Di Giuseppe (doctor), Vincenzo Camisa (doctor) and Lucia Avati (nurse).

Vaccine at the San Camillo De Lellis hospital

On December 28, the first vaccines will be administered to health personnel in the northern provinces of Lazio, Rieti and Viterbo. These are the first 5 operators to be administered the vaccine in the province of Rieti at the San Camillo De Lellis hospital: Sara Miele (nurse), Elio Naviganti (nurse), Sara Di Sabantonio (nurse), Donatella Novelli (nurse ) and Massimiliano Angelucci (doctor).

Vaccine at Belcolle Hospital

These are the first 5 operators to receive the vaccine in the province of Viterbo, at the Belcolle hospital: Paola Perugi (nurse), Silvia Acquilanti (doctor), Giulio Starmini (doctor), Giuseppe Cimarello (doctor) and Elisa Santori (doctor) .

On Tuesday, December 29, the first vaccines will be administered to health personnel in the southern provinces of Lazio, Frosinone and Latina.

Vaccine at Spaziani Hospital

In the province of Frosinone, the five health workers of the Spaziani hospital will be: Antonella Campana (resident doctor), Franca Nardone (social and health worker), Paolo Ceccano (nurse), Marina Sebastiani (doctor) and Eugenio Giangrande (doctor).

Vaccine at the Santa Maria Goretti hospital

Finally, the first 5 operators to whom the vaccine will be administered in the province of Latina, at the Santa Maria Goretti hospital: Serena Freguglia (nurse), Francesca Maggiarra (nurse), Irene Fanuli (doctor), Tiziana De Filippis (nurse ) and Giulia. Restuccia (doctor).

Distribution in Lazio

In Lazio, the available doses will be 955. On December 28, the vaccines will be administered in the ASL of Rieti (40 doses), Asl di Viterbo (40 doses), Asl Roma 1 (80 doses), Asl Roma 2 (80 doses ), Asl Roma 3 (50 doses), Campus Bio-medico (20 doses), Gemelli (50 doses), Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital (30 doses), Tor Vergata (30 doses), Umberto I (50 doses) and Sant ‘ Andrea (20 doses) doses). December 29 at Ifo (30 doses), San Camillo (50 doses), San Giovanni (40 doses), Asl di Frosinone (40 doses), Asl di Latina (40 doses), Asl Roma 4 (40 doses), Asl Roma 5 (40 doses), Asl Roma 6 (40 doses) and Ares 118 (15 doses).
