There are 38,239 new cases of coronavirus registered in Rome in the period between November 22 and December 13, the date of the last data collection on the Salute Lazio website. And according to this last measurement it is clear how, once again since the beginning of the epidemic, it is Angela Tower the district that registers the most cases of Coronavirus, up to 3,018 with an increase of 1,595 new positives in the time period mentioned above.
Regarding the municipalities, however, the VI is the one with the most Covid cases: they are 8340. Furthermore, according to the contagion map based on data published by Salute Lazio, that “describes the cumulative incidence and daily prevalence of Covid-19 cases reported to Seresmi (x 10,000 residents) representing the estimates in increasing values according to color grading“and”that allows to identify if in a geographical area there is a greater or lesser number of cases in relation to the resident population“From October 19 to November 22 (date of the last data survey on the Salute Lazio website), there are 76,106 cases of Covid in Rome. Here is the detailed analysis.
The 10 districts of Rome with the most cases of Covid
Said Torre Ángela, for the third consecutive month the district with the most Covid cases in Rome and also the area with the most marked increase in positives, the situation of Ostia After a decrease, the number of positive patients has increased again: 1075 from November 22 to December 13, bringing the territory to a total of 1813.
To follow there Hundred cells with 1715 (+768 infections in 21 days), Borghesiana with 1665 positives (+820), Tuscolano 1663 (+823), Primavalle with 1627 (+830), Don bosco 1452 (+683), Acilia with 1403 (+815), Montesacro 1356 (+744) e Tiburtino 1269 (+486).
The spread of the infection in Rome: 18 neighborhoods with more than 1000 cases
Basically, the most affected neighborhoods are the most popular ones where the population is denser, but it does not matter if they are areas that are outside or inside the Grande Raccordo Anulare. The neighborhoods in which there has been a boom in infections in the period considered, we repeat, are Torre Ángela (+1595) and Ostia (+1075).
I am anyway 18 areas with more than a thousand infections. Said of the 10 “worst” neighborhoods, the increase in positives in the area also stands out. Gianicolense with 705 new cases that lead to the neighborhood to a total of 1,227 infected.
Gods 35 neighborhoods of Rome, which registered more cases in 21 days, going from more than 800 more in Tuscolano, Acilia, Primavalle and Borghesiana, to those that marked an increase between 300 and 400 cases: Tiburtino, Montespaccato, Esquilino, Santa Maria della Pietà, Morena , Serprentara, Gold Medals, Garbatella, Marconi, Appio Claudio and Nomentano.
The situation in the districts of Rome
According to the data released, the municipality most affected by the Coronavirus is the U.S (Prenestino-Centocelle) with more than eight thousand cases, or 8,340 (+4227 compared to November 22 to December 13, the largest increase of all the territories of Rome). Immediately after VII (Appio-Tuscolano) and the V district (Torri) with 8196 cases the first and with an increase of 3875 units, and 7090 the second with an increase of 3246 cases.
Then there are the III district with 5731 (+2888), the XIV with 5491 (+2821) and X with 5458 registering an increase of 3203 positives, the second territory that experienced a more substantial increase. The happy notes come instead from XIII City Hall, the lowest by the number of infections with 2,918 Covid cases and an increase of 1,346 units (the lowest) since November 22. Less than four thousand infections too second town hall with 3931 positives, the me with 3729, the XIII with 3854 and the IX with 3891. Above 4 thousand instead theeleventh eithe fifteenth City Hall with 4235 and 4530 positives.
The trend of the curve of new positives and intensive care
The number of new Covid-19 cases in Rome, which increased exponentially between October and November, is now more moderate and the curve (below) shows this. From October 29 to 5, 790 new cases were registered, from October 6 to 12 + 1,023 and from October 13 to 19 + 2,620, from that date to November 22 there were + 26,405 new infections in the city, from October 22 November to 13 instead, there were 38,239 more cases in December, but now, as we said, the curve has been flexing again with the capital for several days, now under 600 new cases per day.
However, these numbers have also affected hospitalizations and intensive care in recent weeks. The graphs also help us here: as of September 5, 344 patients were hospitalized and 11 were in intensive care; as of October 5, the figure registered 764 hospitalizations and 48 intensive therapies. On November 22 there were 339 patients, the day of the last checkpoint according to Salute Lazio (December 13) in intensive care there were 305 patients today, December 28, there are 301.