Rome, December 26, 2020 – From January stop the accounts in ‘red’, is the alarm that sounds the Unimpresa Study Center on the consequences of the entry into force of the new rules issued by the EBA, the European banking authority. “Automatic debits will no longer be allowed, in fact, if customers do not have enough cash in their bank deposits. Therefore, there is a risk of sudden stop in utility payments, salaries, social security contributions, loan installments, ”explains Unimpresa in a published document, which also highlights the same rules that require, after three months of non-payment of only 100 euros, that the bank inform the customer to the central risk and classify all their exposure as ‘bad credit’.
Except Politino, explains the vice president of Unimpresa: “The new regulatory framework, which has not been sufficiently explained by banks, is worrying. Even small cost overruns will no longer be possible and this means, for many artisans, merchants, small entrepreneurs and also for many families, I won’t be able to use them anymore little ways of flexibility that, especially in this critical phase due to the economic effects of the Covid pandemic, are essential to comply with payments for public services or other obligations, such as salaries and social security contributions, loan payments and mortgages ”.
According to Politino “there is a risk of very strong credit crisis, unavoidable consequence of the reports to the credit bureau and the reclassification of the clients’ credit lines in case of small arrears. employees to so-called utility companies (energy, gas, water, telephone).
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