EU rules on non-compliance, risk of catastrophe: “Gentiloni does not say anything?”


Another catastrophe in the name of “Europe asks us”. As the Head of Delegation of the Brothers of Italy-ECR denounced in a note to the European Parliament Carlo Fidanza and the co-chair of the ECR group Raffaele Fitto, as of January 1, 2021, the new EU rules on non-compliance will come into force. What does that mean? “A few hundred euros of overdraft in current account will be enough to be considered insolvent and reported to the risk center“explains Fidanza and Fitto.”At your risk – they observe –a catastrophe for many companies, freelancers and employees tested by Covid and ridiculous snacks. Even more so when the mortgage moratoriums end. Does the EU Commissioner for the Economy, former president of the Democratic Party, Paolo Gentiloni, have nothing to say? Are we happy to face the catastrophe because Europe asks us to do so? ”.

Basically, Antonio Signorini emphasizes on NewspaperAs of January, in the case of accounts in the red, even for small amounts, automatic debits will no longer be allowed. If customers do not have enough cash in their deposits, banks will be able to stop paying utilities, salaries, social security contributions, loan installments. Banks are tasked with blocking the transfer and canceling the related Rid. It is an effect of the same rules that also provide for the classification of bad loans (Npls) even for late payments of three months on amounts starting from only 100 euros.

The Brussels shock rule worries, and not a little, companies. As he explains Confartigianatoin fact, the new European regulations on the classification of debtors in “default” (that is, in a state of default on an obligation with the bank) establish stricter criteria and methods than those adopted so far by Italian financial intermediaries. The new regulations specify that by significant delinquency we understand an amount greater than 500 euros (corresponding to one or more loans) that represents more than 1% of the total exposures of the company to the bank. For individuals and small and medium-sized companies with exposures to the same bank for a total amount of less than 1 million euros, the amount of 500 euros is reduced to 100 euros. Unlike in the past, the company will no longer be able to use the margins still available on its credit lines to offset existing defaults and avoid being classified in default.

Second Giovanni sabatini, CEO of ABI, in a statement reported by Telebag, the introduction, scheduled for January 2021, of the new European regulation on impaired loans “,runs the risk of having serious consequences on the economic fabric of Italy, on the one hand severely limiting the possibility of banks offering the economy the necessary support to get out of the crisis and, on the other, irretrievably compromising the financial situation of customers who are in trouble, even if only temporarily“And what does Paolo Gentiloni do?
