How many hours of work do ATA staff do per day? Is there the right to take a break and after how many hours of work?
The working hours of ATA staff are regulated by article 51 of the CCNL 2007. Below is what is expected:
- Ordinary working time is 36 hours, divided into six continuous hours, generally in the morning, or even in the afternoon for educational institutions and for boarding schools attached to technical and professional institutes.
- Within the framework of the complementary negotiation of the institution, the modalities of articulation of the different institutes of flexibilization of the working day will be disciplined, including the discipline of delays, recoveries and compensatory breaks based on the following criteria: the working day is functional for ‘service and opening hours for users; optimization of the use of human resources; performance quality improvement; extension of the usability of services by users; improvement of functional relations with other offices and other administrations; multi-week schedule.
- The maximum daily working time is nine hours. If daily work performance exceeds six continuous hours, staff can take advantage of a break of at least 30 minutes on request in order to recover psychophysical energies and the possible consumption of a meal. This pause must be foreseen in any case if the continuous daily work time is greater than 7 hours and 12 minutes.
- As authorized, consistent with the institution’s assignments, services in excess of the workday are paid for in accordance with the methods defined in the supplemental school contract.