Green light from the Chamber of Deputies to the Budget Law. The provision includes numerous provisions for schools with more than 3,700 million allocated to this sector, of which 2,200 million for current expenses and more than 1,500 million for investments.
This is what is planned for the school (source Ministry of Education).
Support for
The Budget Law foresees a multi-year plan for the hiring of 25,000 support teachers, which will be accompanied by special funds for the training of teachers in inclusion issues and for the purchase of additional teaching aids. With the changes made in the Camera, the green light is given to an innovative tender procedure to hire specialized teachers to support. It will be a decree of the Minister of Education to regulate it. The competition will be held every two years. And again every two years, the rankings can be integrated and the candidates’ score in the ranking will be updated based on the new scores obtained in the meantime. It was also in the House increased, by 2021, funding for private schools that welcome pupils and pupils with disabilities.
The text provides 40 million for digitization, along with more resources to strengthen administrative and didactic action in schools, also with the use of digital animators and new technologies. the team Territorial training courses for teachers, which deal with the implementation of the National Digital School Plan, to accelerate innovation processes in schools, promote staff training and enhance the competencies of male and female students on innovative teaching methods and digital teaching integrated. With the amendments approved in the Chamber, they were assigned 20 million euros to subsidize disadvantaged students for a year, on free loan, a mobile device with connectivity or a voucher of the same value.
School building
The maneuver provides more than 1.5 billion for school buildings. With the modifications to the Chamber, the transfer of of 1 million euros also for each of the years 2021, 2022, 2023 for urgent interventions for the construction of schools, with special attention to the areas of greatest seismic risk, and the extension of one year of the powers of the commissioner to the Mayors of Municipalities and Cities Metropolitanas and the Presidents of the Province for a rapid implementation of the interventions.
As part of the triennial real estate investment plan of INAIL 2021-2023, it is also intended 40 million to construction of innovative schools in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants from the regions of Abruzzo, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia. The objective is also to counteract the depopulation of the small municipalities in the South.
State exams
They are expected 30 million euros It will be assigned to state and private schools to ensure proper performance on state exams for the 2020/2021 school year in accordance with required health safety standards. And so The possibility is foreseen for the Minister of Education. Adopt ordinances with specific measures for the evaluation of learning and the performance of the corresponding State Exams.
Sizing of educational institutions
The school sizing regulations introduced years ago in the cutbacks period change: by 2020/2021 the minimum number of 600 students, 400 in small islands and mountain municipalities, which schools must reach to have their own director and director of General Administrative Services, is lowered to 500 and 300 students respectively. A measure to provide a greater number of schools with their own school director and a full-time DSGA, essential to manage the current emergency period.
Musical High Schools
A fund of 3 million euros is created in the Ministry of Education to expand the educational offer in musical institutes, with the activation of jazz courses and new musical languages.
Kindergarten and 0-6 years
The provision provides 1,000 more teachers for the improvement of the training offer in primary school and an additional allocation of 60 million for the tranche from 0 to 6 years.
Higher Technical Institutes and dual system
By 2021 they are assigned 20 million more on the Higher Technical Education and Training Fund. Increase in 55 million for 2021 and 50 million For the year 2022 the funds for the training courses aimed at learning for the professional degree and diploma, the upper secondary education diploma and the certificate of higher technical specialization and the training courses aimed at transversal and orientation competencies trajectories.
Educational poverty
A 12-month national research plan is envisaged to combat educational poverty. The Plan is promoted by the Ministry of University and Research, in agreement with the Ministry of Education, and is financed with 2 millions by 2021.
Technical assistants
Expected 1,000 engineers in first cycle schools, figures always present in second cycle, introduced in the first period of the emergency and now stabilized to support teachers and staff in the use of laboratories and technologies.
DSGA Competition
The quota of eligible candidates in the competition ranking for Directors of General and Administrative Services is increased by eliminating the 50% limit. This measure increases the number of hires and the coverage of vacant positions.
Fragile workers
The provisions for the protection of vulnerable workers, currently in effect until December 31, are extended until February 28, 2021. 53.9 million for the replacement of these workers.
Former Socially Helpful Workers
The transformation of the part-time to full-time contracts of 4,500 former LSU school collaborators is expected. During the parliamentary approval, a new phase of national recruitment was established, in the positions that will remain at the end of the already activated procedures and those that are in the activation process.
School leaders
An assignment of 25.8 million euros in 2021 to be used to cover the higher expenses incurred in the 2019/2020 school year as a result of the extractiveness recognized in the autonomous collective agreements corresponding to the 2016/2017 school year.
Italian schools abroad
To rationalize the competences related to the Italian training system in the world, the competences, currently shared with the Ministry of Education, are returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.