“Italy is not wasteful”: the mea culpa of the weekly “Der Spiegel”


It came out six days ago, we missed it, but it’s important and now we propose it to you: another article by Spiegel in favor of Italy. After signed by the director. Steffen Klusmann (we talked about it in the review of April 9), who came to define the German rejection of Eurobonds as “narrow-minded and cowardly”, now he is the editorialist Thomas fricke intervene with an even more effective analysis, because it bites all the stereotypes and enters the merits of the great question of the Italian public debt, perfectly explaining our thirty-year-old virtuosity.

The title already says a lot: “The fatal German distortion of Italy” – But then there is no coma to lose. Perhaps it is the consequence of many movies about the mafia. Perhaps it is simply the envy of the fact that Italy has a better time, better food, more sun and more sea. However, something must explain this annoyance by stating that Germans would be wiser, more serious, and more reliable. And in this respect, they show the insufficiency of Italy. “These few lines would be enough to disintegrate a mountain of prejudice, but Fricke detonates another accusation:” All this German arrogance is not from now, but now it is particularly tragic. “Why ? Why does this German ejaculation system have so little to do with reality, just like sauerkraut with Wanneeickel eating habits?a city in the Ruhr, ed. one), or how the praise of German punctuality has to do with the speed of construction of our delicious airport in the capital (a sensational case of delays and inflated costs, editor’s note 2) “.

But the journalist is even more determined when he addresses the substantive question: «The real drama of the euro lies in the wrong cliche of wasteful Italy. This has nothing to do with reality and is about to disintegrate Europe, “writes Fricke. Who quotes economist Antonella Sturati from Roma Tre University explains that” if interest payments are not calculated, since 1992 Italian governments have had budget surpluses year after year». In other words, the attitude of the debt has made us stop spending: «Dolce vita? Without sense. Since 2000, Italian public investment has fallen 40%, a collapse regulated by law. Almost a tenth was invested in education. Madness Public spending has stagnated since 2006. In Germany they have increased by almost 20% ». And this trend “became a catastrophe after the European crisis, when Mario Monti, under international and particularly German pressure, began one reform after another. Once in the labor market. Again in pensions.” And then cuts to health care since 2010, which play a big role in the pandemic tragedy.

The well-directed lunge continues What can Germany do?: “It is not the direct fault of German politics. Sure. But the time has come to stop with the wrong teachings and to contribute to disaster reliefdear Herr Schäuble. “The reference to the twenty-year-old custodian of German finances (and European rigor) serves to invoke healthy revisionism:” Perhaps to save Europe in the first place there would be a need for new experts in Germany. “Because “We are not in the circus but in a crisis that takes your breath away, no matter how serious it is.” So «it is time to stop this drama and the Eurobonds are the symbol of a common destiny. However, the destiny that we share has a common currency. Otherwise, in a couple of years, the European Union will no longer be like this. And France and Italy will have people like Trump and Johnson in power who do not want to play together: the game in which Germany has been building its well-being for decades».

Words of a sharpness that impresses. At this point it can be said that the largest German weekly is running a campaign for Italy. And it is something sensational because it is the same newspaper that over time has been distinguished by initiatives of opposite signs. Forget about the famous 1977 holster with the gun on the spaghetti plate. Spaghetti stood out, in the form of a bow, on a much more recent cover, June 2, 2018, titled in Italian “Hello, love!” and the subtitle «How Italy destroys itself and drags Europe with it». The articles painted us as schnorrer, freeloaders, and addressed the best of us, Mario Draghi. Not to mention the references to Schettino and the Giglio disaster in 2012: “Hand to heart: did anyone wonder if the captain of the Costa Concordia was Italian?”

Let’s think about it. That such an important newspaper in two years has annulled its line is beautiful and useful. Confirm chand Germany is not a monolith but a great country that knows how to debate. That the great leader who guides him knows how to modulate his steps wisely, and in recent weeks has literally moved him, the supposed monolith, accepting the idea of ​​”an unprecedented mobilization of resources by Europe” to confront the virus, and patience if it is not called “Eurobonds”: it will remain, and eventually share risks. But to know us Angela Merkel it needs to reassure its constituents and taxpayers and keep its sovereign right at bay, which moves with the same logic as ours. You should be able to say that we are not only paying debts, but that we are determined to overhaul our tax evasion system and are willing to use some of our more than 4 billion private savings for reconstruction. Will we know how to do it?
