
This time everything went well. After days of strong tensions, delays, accusations, postponements and clashes, the maneuver reaches the first half of the road in the Chamber, which gives the green light with 298 votes in favor and 125 against. Then it is not surprising. The majority argue, despite the volleys that Italy reserves for the government in the classrooms, during the declaration of vote, demonstrating once again the deep fracture that is widening in the coalition. Renziano Mauro Del Barba, in fact, first hit hard on the delivery of the text to Parliament “with a delay never seen in the history of our Republic”, then he worked together with the Prime Minister, underlining that “in the few days and nights that we have been granted, we work well together, majority and opposition “, and finally unleashes a painful hook to the Conte-Gualtieri duo talking about a” positive result “in the improvements to an” otherwise insipid “law, despite the” shirt of force that we were forced ”.

One position, that of Matteo Renzi’s party (which tomorrow at 6 pm will illustrate the IV draft of the Recovery Plan at a press conference in the Senate) that undoubtedly reopens discussions on relations with minorities. Or rather, with a specific part, that Forza Italia that, on the day the maneuver overcomes the first obstacle, Silvio Berlusconi tries to get the political controversies out of the rough sea. “In these difficult months, FI has taken a responsible attitude towards the double crisis, health and economic”, but “this attitude of ours has been appreciated by many, criticized by others, many times by both on the basis of a misunderstanding”, he writes in a letter to ‘Corsera’. The Cav cites the policy of the two contributed by Giulio Andreotti, but assures: “Nothing is further from our intentions.” Just as they are not interested in speeches about a possible government or national unity: “We are not really one of those political forces that exploit their position to gain space or positions of power.” Berlusconi’s idea is “to return to the leadership role of the center-right coalition.” However, internal divisions make project implementation difficult. At least in the short term, despite the objective difficulties facing the government. “If we do not give answers to the Italians from this Parliament, we will all be part of the same problem,” warns, in fact, the leader of the Lega, Riccardo Molinari. Explaining that Italians “will no longer make distinctions between the majority and the opposition, that is why we have decided to collaborate.”

So the present thrives with flames, like that of the Brothers of Italy, who manage to take home an agenda, first signed by the leader, Giorgia Meloni, which commits the government to review powers and allocate funds for Roma Capitale. An agenda that becomes transversal and passes with the yes of the entire Montecitorio hemicycle. A success that makes noise in the center right. But the satisfaction will be short, very short. As of Tuesday, the Senate begins again, with a tour de force that should lead to the final approval of the maneuver before December 31, otherwise it will be a provisional exercise. A danger to avoid at all costs, because in times of economic and health crisis, it would be that of profundis for Italy.
