Vax Day started against Covid in Italy, Giuseppe Conte: “Historic day”


Who are the first vaccinated? The battle against the coronavirus is not over yet. The 72 thousand deaths remind us that this Vax day cannot be a day of celebration anyway: a nurse, a social and health worker, a biologist and two infectious doctors from Spallanzani in Rome were the first to receive the drug Pfizer Biontech and then administered throughout Italy. to other selected RSA health workers, staff and guests for the symbolic day chosen by the EU. “Italy wakes up – says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte – this date will be impressed forever”.

From Spallanzani to Spallanzani – The day of the vaccine therefore begins in the same hospital where a little less than a year ago the couple of Chinese tourists who submerged the country in the nightmare of Covid were hospitalized and it is a circle that somehow closes. The professor Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, the nurse Claudia Alivernini, the social and health worker Omar Altobelli, the infectious doctors Alessandra Vergori and Alessandra D’Abramo, the first five vaccinated, all smile proud of the role assigned to them: to make Italians understand the importance of getting vaccinated. “It is an important and decisive day – says Claudia – science and medicine are the only things that will allow us to get out of this virus. I say it with my heart, get vaccinated ”. “Am I worried? Yes – Alessandra Vergori responds to journalists – but for you, not because of the vaccine that is safe and effective and, above all, it is the only tool we have to get out of this nightmare.” The most excited is Omar. “My thoughts go to those who have not made it to this day. I hope to be an example for everyone and only the first in a long series, I have seen so much suffering and pain ”.

Esperanza: “The trip will not be short” – Everyone talks about a new era, a turning point, of light at the end of the tunnel. The most cited is Winston Curchill: it is the end of the beginning. The Vatican speaks of a “historic day” and recalls the line of Pope Francis: the vaccine is for everyone in all countries. Roberto Speranza, who has always been the most rigorous of the government since the beginning of the emergency, continues to ask for caution. “We are on the path that is needed to end a difficult season but the journey will not be short, we still have to resist, we need time and prudence.” The technicians explain why: the effects of the vaccine, says virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, will begin to be noticeable when 20-30% vaccination coverage is reached. And to have the much desired herd immunity, adds the commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri, it is necessary to vaccinate 80% of the population. “We are working to make this happen in the fall and that day we will be gone forever for a long night.”

The controversy over dosages (and De Luca) – The distribution of the first 9,750 doses of vaccine throughout Italy proceeds without problems thanks to the plan developed by the Defense: the vials arrived at their destination with 5 aircraft and 60 military vehicles. Thus, the inevitable controversy in the country of parochialism takes the photo of the Governor of Campania. Vincenzo De Luca who underwent the vaccine., first among politicians. But there is also the controversy over the “few” doses delivered to Italy while in other countries there would have been many more. And the Ministry of Health intervened in this, stating that the supply contracts were signed by the EU Commission and that “each country receives the percentage of doses in proportion to the population according to Eurostat estimates. Italy is destined for 13.46 % of each supply. This is equivalent to 26.92 million doses of the contract with Pfizer-Biontech, of which 8.749 million in the first quarter “.

I symboli of Vax Day – But the day of vax is mostly something else, thankfully. It is the face of Alice Soldà, the nurse who was vaccinated at the Schiavonia hospital: it was there that Adriano Trevisan died, the first of the 71,925 victims of this damn virus. We have lived through difficult times, now we hope that everything goes well. It is the gaze of the doctors of Codogno and Alzano Lombardo, the symbolic hospitals of the first wave. Lucia Premoli is one of the nurses who treated patient one, Mattia, on February 20 and is still there today, with the needle in her arm. “We have no other way to return to a normal life.” And it is the applause of the doctors who welcome the boxes with the vials in Florence, Brindisi, Cagliari.

Since Monday the national vaccination plan – Starting on the 28th, 470 thousand weekly doses will arrive in Italy, for a total of 8.7 million in the first quarter alone. To which will be added those of the Moderna and Astra Zeneca vaccines. The Italians remain to be convinced. “Belief in the vaccine – it is the appeal of Spallanzani’s medical director, Francesco Vaia – it is a fundamental tool in this battle, there are no shortcuts.” And so it is, without shortcuts, without “miracles”, to fight the virus there is science and the only weapon available is the vaccine.
