Dallo Zini is everything, good continuation of the evening. Until next time.22:55
In three days, the last day of 2020, sixteenth: great match Monza-Salernitana while the Bisoli team will face Reggina.22:55
The rojiblancos endure the reaction of the reds, who have grown exponentially in the second half: Pinato hooks Di Gregorio, Bianchetti and Ciofani lose the mirror without fail – Frattesi signs the coup de grace as soon as he enters.22:55
ABOVE! Cremonese-Monza 0-2, Marchetti’s triple whistle.22:51
Played by Dany Mota, Carlos Augusto’s low center, Maric misses the deflection due to a mustache.22:51
Sparks between Celar and Frattesi, Marchetti restores calm.22:49
Three minute recovery.22:48
Gaetano tamed for Valzania, left blocked by Di Gregorio.22:48
Action against the grigiorossi, Gaetano hits from the right, Scaglia anticipates Ceravolo.22:46
Marin slides to the right, wrongly calibrated cross.22:45
CREMONESE OPPORTUNITY! Pinato calibrates from the left, Di Gregorio comes out empty, Ciofani does not take advantage of the head.22:44
REPLACEMENT CREMONES. Bisoli plays the Ceravolo card, Gustafson out.22:43
Error when leaving the rojiblanco, Gaetano loses time for the conclusion, Valzania ciabatta in the background.22:40
Frattesi opens for Marin, Zortea controls him.22:39
Marin in the area for Dany Mota, stumbled into an offside position.22:37
OBJECTIVE! Cremonese-MONZA 0-2! Red Frattesi. Zortea’s dream that fails to protect a ball destined for the back, Maric serves Frattesi, left in the lower corner.
See player profile Davide Frattesi22:36
LAST CHANGE OF MONZA. Fresh energy in the middle: Frattesi for Armellino.22:32
Valeri puts the turbo on the left, Bettella apnea.22:31
Marín enters the area with the ball and his right foot is weak, thanks Volpe.22:29
Immediately forward Gaetano, low shot from the edge, Di Gregorio blocks in two stages.22:29
REPLACEMENT CREMONES. Bisoli increases the offensive charge: Fiordaliso leaves, Gaetano enters.22:27
Getting into trouble with Ciofani, Marchetti lacks doubt in favor.22:27
Favorable phase for the reds and grays, the rojiblancos fight to restart.22:25
CREMONESE OPPORTUNITY! From a corner, Bianchetti shoots high from close range.22:22
Valeri goes down to the left, Donati takes refuge in the corner.22:22
CREMONESE OPPORTUNITY! Bianchetti hits for Pinato, plate on the fly, Di Gregorio reactive.22:21
Zortea unstoppable by the band, Bettella is well positioned.22:20
Zortea is still active on the right, Celar takes the time of the defenders but with his head he cannot frame the mirror.22:19
CREMONESE OPPORTUNITY! Center by Zortea, header by Ciofani, the ball touches the cross.22:17
Marín from 25 meters, powerful but central left-handed, Volpe without problems.22:13
NOTICE Armellino, bad intervention on Valeri.22:15
Red and gray try to raise the center of gravity, red and white wait.22:12
Maric opens for Donati, Barilla heads the corner.22:08
Forward Carlos Auguso, Bianchetti concedes the corner.22:06
Barilla hits a post when the game is stopped, offside.22:05
THE SHOOTING BEGINS. Cremonese-Monza 0-1, rojiblanco’s maneuver.22:05
REPLACEMENT CREMONES. Castagnetti, warned, does not return; Bisoli enters Zortea.22:05
MONZA REPLACEMENT. Brocchi also eliminates D’Errico, inside Marin.22:05
MONZA REPLACEMENT. Brocchi fails Gytkjaer, room for Maric.22:04
MONZA REPLACEMENT. Fossati stays in the locker room, Barberis enters.22:04
Bisoli must find alternatives to shoot the forwards and create dangers in the parts of Di Gregorio; Brocchi needs to manage his energy without losing focus: Bellusci is out, Gytkjaer is not at his best.21:50
Fraction at a small trot, deserved advantage of the rojiblancos who dominate the game and bite with Barilla after a good action from Gytkjaer. Impalpable Grigiorossi.21:49
END OF THE FIRST TIME. Cremonese-Monza 0-1, unlocks Barilla.21:48
Two minute recovery.21:45
WARNING Fossati, dangerous game in Celar.21:44
From the corner, Scaglia’s header grabbed by Volpe.21:43
Monza keeps going, winning serial corners.21:43
Carlos Augusto goes down the wing, Pinato closes it in the corner.21:41
Biancorossi under management, Cremonese struggles to build.21:41
Downtown Valeri, Scaglia dominates the area.21:39
Castagnetti vertically for Ciofani, Di Gregorio picks up the sphere.21:38
Both the gray and red players get up, the game resumes.21:37
Castagnetti and Valzania on the ground, game interrupted.21:35
Sponda di Ciofani for Gustafson, Scaglia protects the departure of Di Gregorio.21:33
D’Errico warned, completely out of time in Valeri.21:33
Castagnetti warned, rude intervention on Dany Mota.21:30
Bianchetti hits from the bottom, Bettella sweeps.21:29
Launch for Ciofani, Di Gregorio arrives first.21:28
Castagnetti’s punishment, Donati clears the area.21:27
Dany Mota on Barilla’s heel, too deep a suggestion for Gytkjaer.21:26
Gytkjaer also complains of muscle problems, Brocchi evaluates what to do.21:25
Castagnetti’s punishment, directly on the barrier.21:22
Valeri reaches the end, D’Errico concedes the first corner of the race.21:20
Gustafson opens for Celar who turns to the right, ending up in orbit.21:19
MONZA REPLACEMENT. Trouble for Bellusci, mandatory change for Brocchi, within Scaglia.21:16
OBJECTIVE! Cremonese-MONZA 0-1! Red Barilla. Gytkjaer wins the challenge of strength with Terranova and works the ball for Barilla, a precise left-foot shot past Volpe.
See the player profile Antonino Barillà21:19
Possession of Monza, the Grigiorossi wait in their own half.21:13
Gytkjaer plays from behind for Fossati, on the right fenced by Castagnetti.21:11
Carlos Augusto hits, D’Errico throws from the edge, weak right, Volpe without problems.21:09
Carlos Augusto wins a free kick from a favorable position, a foul by Pinato.21:08
Castagnetti launch for Celar, Bellusci closes it.21:07
Ciofani on the ground, the game stopped for a few moments.21:05
Soft rhythms at the beginning, study phases.21:03
START Cremonese-Monza, ball to the Grigiorossi.21:00
The warm-up phases are over, soon the start of the race led by Marchetti.20:40
Brocchi also deploys the D’Errico-Gytkyaer-Dany Mota trident, Donati instead of Sampirisi on the right side.21:04
Bisoli opts for the trident: Ciofani in the center, Pinato-Celar on the sides, Gustafson in the control room.21:05
4-3-3 for Monza: Di Gregorio – Donati, Bellusci, Bettella, Carlos Augusto – Armellino, Fossati, Barilla – D’Errico, Gytkyaer, Dany Mota. Available: Lamanna, Sommariva, Lepore, Colpani, Scaglia, Marin, Pirola, Barberis, Frattesi, Maric.20:42
Here are the formations. Cremonese with 4-3-3: Volpe – Bianchetti, Fiordaliso, Terranova, Valeri – Valzania, Castagnetti, Gustafson – Pinato, Ciofani, Celar. Available: Alfonso, Zaccagno, Ghisolfi, Zortea, Ravanelli, Bia, Gaetano, Bernasconi, Ceravolo, Schirone.21:05
The Grigiorossi, unbeaten in the friendly for four games, face the rojiblancos, coming back from a 3-2 loss in the last away game of the championship, in Pescara.19:56
In Zini everything is ready for Cremonese-Monza, postponement of the fifteenth day of Serie B.14:53
Where the game is played:
Stadium: Giovanni Zini
City: Cremona
Capacity: 22,000 spectators14:53