The coronavirus epidemic in Italy: the bulletin today Sunday December 27, 2020. I am 8,913 me contagion of the Covid 19 disclosed in Italy today, December 27, according to the data contained in the Civil Protection bulletin released by the Ministry of Health. Since yesterday other 305 dead which brings the total to 71,925 since the beginning of the emergency linked to the epidemic. Since yesterday another 59,879 have been executed tampons.
Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Sunday, December 27, 2020
- Currently positive: 581,760
- Deaths: 71,925 (+298)
- Downloaded / healed: 1,394,011 (+7,798)
- Hospitalized: 26,151 (+259)
- Hospitalized in ICU: 2,580 (0)
- Buffers: 26,046,137 (+59,879)
- Total cases: 2,047,696 (+8,913, + 0.44%)
Coronavirus outbreaks: data region by region
Waiting for today’s newsletter data, we see live updates from singles regions. Let us remember that Italy will be all red zone from December 24 to 27, and it will turn orange between December 28 and 30.
The Crisis Unit of the Region Piedmont reported 475 new cases of people who tested positive for Covid-19 (of which 28 after antigen tests), equivalent to 10.1% of the 4,685 swabs performed, of which 1,383 antigenic. Of the 475 new cases, 188 asymptomatic patients, which is equivalent to 39.6%. There are 101 detection cases, 255 case contacts, 119 with ongoing investigation, 30 in RSA and social welfare structures, 22 in the school setting, and 423 among the general population. The total number of positive cases amounts to 197,649, of which 17,611 Alessandria, 9,886 Asti, 6813 Biella, 27,258 Cuneo, 15,357 Novara, 103,921 Turin, 7,467 Vercelli, 6,648 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 1059 residents outside the region, but in charge of Piedmont Health Facilities. The remaining 1629 are under development and territorial allocation.
In the last 24 hours they logged in Lombardy 466 new positive coronavirus cases, of which 22 ‘weakly positive’. Compared to 4,901 swabs performed, 466 were new positives (9.5%). This was announced by the Lombardy Region. There are 49 victims: the total of deaths amounts to 24,867.
3,337 coronavirus infections have been reported in Veneto today, December 27. Since yesterday, another 52 deaths have been registered, bringing the total to 6,038 since the start of the emergency linked to the epidemic.
In Lazio There are currently 76,438 positive cases for Covid-19, of which 2,802 are hospitalized, 301 in intensive care and 73,335 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 77,800, 3,529 deaths have been cured and the total number of cases examined is 157,767. This is the updated newsletter of the Lazio Region.
In Calabria To date, 411,970 subjects have been tested for a total of 429,979 swabs performed (further tests can be performed on the same subject). The people who tested positive for Coronavirus are 22,694 (+179 compared to yesterday), the negative 389,276. These are the daily data related to the Covid-19 epidemic reported by the Department of Health Protection, which records 255 hospitalized (-8), 18 people in intensive care (same number as yesterday), 13,665 recovered / discharged (+158) and 451 dead (+4). Currently active cases are 8,578.
In Tuscany There are 118,784 cases of coronavirus positivity, 227 more than yesterday. New cases are 0.2% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew by 0.3% and reached 104,396 (87.9% of all cases). The swabs made reached 1,849,528, 3,502 more than yesterday, of which 6.5% positive. On the other hand, 1,549 subjects evaluated today (excluding control swabs), of which 14.7% were positive. To these are added the 226 rapid antigenic swabs that are currently being made. Current positives are 10,800 today, -0.7% compared to yesterday. There are 1,012 hospitalized (21 more than yesterday), of which 165 in intensive care (1 less). Today there are 8 new deaths: 3 men and 5 women with an average age of 79.9 years.
Covid-19 infections slow down Sardinia, 96 today, but the deaths do not stop, 6 in the update of the Regional Crisis Unit: there are 5 men and a woman between 65 and 83 years old, 4 residents of the province of South Sardinia and 2 respectively of the province of Oristano and Metropolitan City of Cagliari. The extra swabs made are 1,160. In the hospital there are 483 patients (+5 compared to yesterday’s figure), 43 the number of patients in intensive care. There are 15,889 people in home isolation, 403 more cured. Of the 30,145 positive cases verified in total, 6,743 (+27) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 4,879 (+10) in southern Sardinia, 2,388 in Oristano, 6,013 (+15) in Nuoro, 10,122 (+44) ) in Sassari. Oristano and the metropolitan city of Cagliari.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia–Romagna 166,327 cases of positivity were registered, 1,283 more than yesterday, out of a total of 6,066 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons manufactured since yesterday is 21.1%. However, it should be remembered that the data on the ratio of manufactured / new positive tampons is not significant on vacation, when far fewer tampons are manufactured than everyone else. Indeed, on vacation, tampons are performed in the most necessary cases, in the presence of symptoms or situations in which a positive result is often expected. Therefore, it cannot be taken as data relative to a general trend: in fact, it is a small sample, very specific and linked above all to cases in which the smear is strictly essential.
The President of the Region Apulia, Michele Emiliano on the basis of information from the director of the Health Promotion Department, Vito Montanaro, reports that 1,748 tests for Covid-19 infection and 221 positive cases have been registered in Puglia today. Of these, 129 in the province of Bari, 25 in the province of Brindisi, 16 in the province of BAT, 8 in the province of Foggia, 17 in the province of Lecce, 23 in the province of Taranto, 3 residents outside the region. Another 12 deaths were recorded: 2 in the province of Bari, 5 in the province of Bat, 1 in the province of Brindisi, 2 in the province of Foggia, 2 in the province of Taranto.
Two new deaths, bringing the total to 374, and 432 current positive cases, +14 compared to yesterday, of which 83 were hospitalized, 2 in intensive care and 347 in home isolation. These are the data of the Covid 19 emergency in Valley from Aosta released by the Region’s health update bulletin. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the total number of cases is 7181, + 27, 6375 cured, + 11 compared to yesterday, the swabs made so far 70,329, + 409, of which 8716 processed with unhealthy rapid tests.
Coronavirus, infections region by region
Here are the infection data divided by region: the first number refers to the total number of cases since the beginning of the epidemic, the second to the currently positive ones, while the third refers to the increase that occurred in the last 24 hours.
- Lombardy: 471,955 (59,327) (466)
- Veneto: 240,652 (90,021) (3,337)
- Piedmont: 194,262 (31,062) (470)
- Campania: 186,131 (80,075) (310)
- Emilia-Romagna: 166,327 (58,175) (1,283)
- Lazio: 157,767 (76,438) (977)
- Tuscany: 118,784 (10,800) (227)
- Sicily: 89,616 (33,167) (682)
- Apulia: 86,439 (53,638) (221)
- Liguria: 59,104 (5,769) (99)
- Friuli Venezia Giulia: 47,667 (12,190) (144)
- March: 39,697 (9,671) (181)
- Abruzzo: 34,496 (11,816) (25)
- Sardinia: 30,145 (16,415) (96)
- PA Bolzano: 28,803 (10,580) (57)
- Umbria: 28,064 (3,553) (36)
- Calabria: 22,694 (8,578) (179)
- PA Trento: 21,049 (1,775) (86)
- Basilicata: 10,481 (5,959) (9)
- Valle d’Aosta: 7,181 (432) (27)
- Molise: 6,382 (2,319) (1)