Climate: SNOW, COPIOUS IMMINENT in the PLAINS with BUFFEROS in many REGIONS. Cities at RISK and ACCUMULATIONS expected
Upcoming snow days
Heavy snowfalls down to the plains citiesWe are going to live there Perfect snowfall.
In the last hours gradually the colder air has been reversed Italy, thus favoring a vertical drop in temperatures. Thus the call was formed on the northern plains “Padano Pillow”, that’s a layer of very cold air, close to the ground, with temperatures well below zero.
After thepolar cold air inlet that has recently reached the Mediterranean, breaking through the Porta della Bora and while the cold vortex still rages around its Adriatic curl, it runs through the southern regions with snow to very low altitudes and hail, a powerful Atlantic disturbance in the northern regions where , due to low temperatures, rain in the next few hours they can only be snowy, even on the plain!
The flakes immediately in the Aosta Valley, will spread in the afternoon to all of Piedmont and in the evening to the rest of Lombardy up to Western Emilia, the Alps and then the Veneto and will gradually be more abundant.
Since the afternoon and especially during the night we wait Nevada until plains of Piedmont, Lombardy and western Emilia but also inLigurian interior. Snowflakes will soon reach cities like Cuneo, Torino, Alexandria, Novara, After also Milan, Varese, Lecco, As, Bergamo, Brescia, Piacenza, Parma covering them with a candid white coating. Later the deterioration will also extend to the Northeast, where it will cause Snow showers Mainly in Trentino Alto Adige. During the night, heavy snow will fall from the hills of Genoa and Alessandria, Pavese and Piacenza towards Milan and Bergamo Brescia and then heavy snowfall at 7 am on Monday 28 they will reach Veneto between Verona and Vicenza to Padua and Venice before the arrival of the sirocco mixed with Bora that will raise temperatures by turning snow into rain
In a first phase (early Monday morning) i snowflakes will fall in consistent sections down to the plains of Veneto me Friuli Venezia Giulia, above a Verona, Padua, Venice and Udine. Snow also in the interior of Liguria.
At the end of the event, in the northwest, we hope about 15/20 cm accumulation (locally 25 cm) in the main cities of the plain.
In the central-eastern Alps, at more than 800/1000 meters, real storms with accumulations of around half a meter or more are expected in 24 hours, especially in the Orobie, the Venetian Dolomites and the valleys of Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The snow will be strongly limited to the northwest and the Alps with a total of 15 cm in Milan, 25 in Bergamo, 30 in Piacenza and Parma, 25 in Brescia, 60 in total in Trentino and Belluno, less in Turin. 55/60 cm are expected in Cortina d’Ampezzo.Snow detail early Monday 28, purple = strong
Snow detail Monday morning, purple = strong