Covid vaccine, the first dose for a nurse


She is a nurse in the emergency room of the ‘Sant’Anna e San Sebastiano’ hospital, the first to be vaccinated in the province of Caserta. The mayor made it known Carlo Marino who commented: “I wanted to participate in this historic moment, the administration of the first vaccine against Covid-19 in the city of Caserta.” The distribution of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine began today (Sunday, December 27) in Campania, as well as throughout Italy and other European countries, and seven stations have been activated in as many hospitals, including the one in the capital. from Terra di Lavoro. The administration began around 10 a.m. and will end once the first 100 doses sent to the Caserta area for doctors and health professionals who are on the front line in the fight against coronavirus have been used up.

Marino: “This is a day of rebirth”

“This December 27, 2020 will be remembered as a special day, a day of rebirth in which, after many sacrifices made with responsibility during a difficult year, we have launched a massive counteroffensive against this damn virus – said Mayor Marino – In On this day of great optimism I want to remember those who have left us because of this invisible and devious virus. I virtually hug your family and friends. We will not forget them ”. “In the coming weeks the vaccination campaign will be launched. Let’s all get vaccinated, protect ourselves and our loved ones, an essential gesture of responsibility to end a pandemic that has disrupted our lives,” concluded the mayor of Caserta.

Magliocca: “Respect anti-Covid rules even after vaccination”

“We will remember for a long time the date of December 27, 2020. We will remember it as the day of rebirth, recovery and hope,” stressed the president of the Province. Giorgio Magliocca – I thank the general director of the Caserta hospital, Gaetano Gubitosa, for the excellent organization set up for the entire province of Caserta. The term of protection will presumably be 9 months, maximum one year. Among other things, it is unknown if the vaccinated subject, even if he does not develop the disease, can be infected if he comes into contact with the virus. Therefore, the slogan in the coming months will continue to be the responsibility. Even after vaccination, it will be necessary to continue adopting correct behaviors and comply with anti-Covid regulations ”.

De Luca: “We will hope that the vaccines are distributed in proportion to the population”

“The vaccines arrived on time – said the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca – We had some concerns about arriving on time, but I must say that the schedule was respected on time. We are planning a general exercise in all hospitals on January 12 to test the functionality of our organization. We are working to develop an extremely efficient machine because vaccination against Covid is not a trivial operation, it requires longer times and a series of precautions ”. Then, another push to the government. “The situation hit me in recent weeks. from a sister and friend region like Veneto where we have very harsh conditions – added De Luca – And it becomes incredible that Veneto is the region that has always remained in the yellow zone. Confirm that some false objective and technical-scientific assessments seem more scammers to me. For vaccines we have had incomprehensible things, we pretend that there are criteria related simply to the resident population. Any other criteria would be the black market for vaccines. “
