The 2021 move towards final approval
The fiscal maneuver for 2021 updates the work measures, which are increasingly generous: emergency layoffs are extended another 12 weeks, free of charge, for companies. For those who hire under 35 years of age, from January to the end of 2022, they are provided 100% relief in three years, within a limit of 6 thousand euros per year (up to 48 months of exemption for the South, or if the stable contract is signed in Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Sicily, Puglia, Calabria, Sardinia). 100% incentive even in case of hiring unemployed women in the South and without work for at least 24 months in the rest of Italy. The layoffs freeze continues until March 31, and the exceptions to the reasons for the dignity decree on extensions and renewals of fixed-term contracts are confirmed until the end of March. The measures for work in the Maneuver, which is about to be definitively dismissed by Parliament, contain a generous package of measures on work and employment. In total, there are almost 7 billion measurements out of 40 in total. budget law 2021.
Among the main innovations are also the car incentives, the Superbonus extension until the end of 2022; the mobile bonuses which amounts to 16 thousand euros; the bathroom voucher to replace showers and taps; chef tax credit and a new glasses voucher.
After the passage of the trust (314 votes in favor and 230 against) before Christmas, the budget bill received the final go-ahead in the House on Sunday, December 27. The tight deadlines for the conversion of the bill into law (the new budget law must be approved before December 31, so as not to trigger the “provisional exercise”) make the subsequent approval by the Senate almost “formal”, which cannot do otherwise. to approve the text approved by the House.
But let’s see then the main news for families, workers and companies.
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