Tuscany weather is coming, storm winds and snow – Meteo


On the left the areas affected by the wind, on the right (in yellow) by the snow
On the left the areas affected by the wind, on the right (in yellow) by the snow

Florence, December 27, 2020 – In the next few hours Tuscany it will be affected by the entry of cold arctic air, accompanied by strong winds and residual snowfall, even at low altitudes. For this reason, the Operations Room of the Regional Civil Protection has issued a new yellow code for wind and snow.

The Cfr forecasts: Monday very cloudy or overcast with widespread rainfall. Snowfalls in the Apennines at more than 800-1000 meters (1200 meters in Amiata) with a temporary increase in altitude until 1400. Tendency to cease the phenomena at the end of the afternoon, further deterioration in the evening. Wind: Fort Libeccio, possible storm on coasts and hills. The alert goes up to orange on the coast.

Tuesday cloudy or very cloudy with widespread precipitation in the northwest and scattered elsewhere, even the reverse. Snow over 1000-1200 meters in the Apennines (1300 m in Amiata). Wind: moderate Libeccio, locally still strong on the coast and in the Archipelago.
