AGI – Starting tomorrow, all of Italy will change color again: On December 28, 29 and 30 it will change from red to orange and orange will also be on January 4. Consequently, the rules will change.
In this days you can move freely within the municipalities between 5 and 22, and therefore it will be possible to visit friends and family within these hours. On the same days it will be possible, once a day, to go to visit family or friends, even in a municipality other than one’s own but always and only within the same Region, between 5 and 22 and within the maximum limit of two people.
Shops will be open, except for bars and restaurants. which will remain closed and will have to wait until January 7 to reopen. Take away food service will be possible, from 5 to 22 and home delivery. Italy will remain in the orange zone for only these four days. On December 31 and on January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 it will return to the red zone, and between December 31 and January 1 the curfew will arrive until 7 am.
In the days of the orange strip, the retail commercial activities will be carried out in any case as long as it is ensured, in addition to the interpersonal distance of at least one meter, that the entries are made late and that it is prevented from staying within the local most of the time. necessary for the purchase of goods.
It will be possible to travel, even between municipalities in different areas, to reach minors with the other parent or in any case with the foster parent, or to take them with you. It is also allowed to go to church, from 5 to 22, and attend religious services, as well as allow walks and physical activities, always from 5 to 22.
It is possible to reach public parks and gardens within your own municipality or, failing that, those of a neighboring municipality closest to the home, unless the local authorities specify otherwise, provided that the collection prohibition is strictly observed.
Minors are allowed access, even with family members or other people who habitually live with them or those responsible for caring for them, to play areas in parks, villas and public gardens, to carry out recreational or recreational activities outdoors in compliance with the guidelines of the Department of Family Policy.
Finally, it is also possible to move between different territorial spaces to attend the funeral of close relatives and a single remaining family member, always complying with all prevention and safety measures.