Vincenzo De Luca is the only Italian politician, as well as one of the few in all of Europe, who has been vaccinated against COVID-19. The day that all Italian regions participated in the V-day, choosing to administer the first doses doctors, nurses and healthcare workers, the Governor of Campania has decided to join the “selected” list. He underwent the injection of the drug Pfizer in the morning, at the Cotugno hospital in Naples. A movement that did not like Luigi De Magistris: “I find him truly unspeakable and unworthy abuse of power of President De Luca who takes advantage of his institutional role to get vaccinated when the vaccine, in the first weeks, should be destined exclusively to doctors, nurses, health workers and Old people“Thundered the mayor of the capital of Campania.” The health of President De Luca, unfortunately, comes before the people of Campania. You should to be embarrassed and apologize. “
Attacks from the secretary of the League also rained Matteo salvini, according to which De Luca “took the vaccine from someone who had it i need it more“Because of”exhibitionism“. Valeria Ciarambino Stelle del Movimento 5 maintains that today’s act by the President of Campania is “one more demonstration that his personal interests always and in any case go beyond those of any other person. Even those of the people who elected him ”. The MEP adds Fulvio Martusciello of Forza Italia, according to which the governor “had no title to take a vial from a healthcare professional however he did. Without decency. Without respect. He skipped the line and took the vial. No regional president was vaccinated on the 5th, ”he wrote in a statement.
The president of Molise Donato Toma, on the other hand, always at the height of Forza Italia, he maintains that it was “a symbolic act, I cannot find it nothing scandalous“In his opinion“ it is not a gesture to be criticized, on the other hand in the U.S has been Joe biden the first to be vaccinated precisely because the president is considered the symbol of American unity, thus setting an example at a time of uncertainty about the results of the vaccine, about possible contraindications ”. In the center there are Italy Long Live in defense of De Luca: “The controversy against the president’s vaccination is pathetic, daughters of one Manichean subculture and unfinished ”, writes the coordinator of Iv Napoli Graziella Pagano. “For days, the ‘perplexed’ and the non-vax have been saying that ‘if the politicians don’t get it first, we’ll never get the vaccine.’ Okay. They were satisfied. De Luca’s gesture is powerful both from the communicative point of view and from the political and scientific point of view. It’s an example “.
The governor, right after he underwent the serum. Pfizer, made the announcement on Twitter: “I got vaccinated. We all have to In the next weeks. It is important to win the battle against Covid19 and return to normal life. Without lowering your guard respecting the rules“, he wrote. In the morning he criticized the European V-day initiative, arguing that” perhaps it was too overloaded from a media point of view, it seemed so landing in Normandy instead of the arrival of the vaccine bags, but we understand that we wanted to give a sign of hope ”. Then he added: “We will have to carry out a massive vaccination that will last for months and we will have to give security to the citizens, starting with me, that it will without hesitation“.