Anti-Covid Vaccine, Many Skeptics Among RSA Health Workers. Registration of opposites in Piedmont and Lazio


The silent massacre in the Italian RSAs with too high a number of elderly people who died from Covid was not enough to convince health workers (excluding doctors) in nursing homes to say ‘yes’, without delay, to vaccines. Second The Republic – and this is the alarming figure – in some cases the voluntary participation of RSA staff willing to undergo the vaccine has barely touched the 10 percent. Figures that make you think and that the first day of the vaccination campaign begin to seriously worry you.

What’s happening in Lazio?

They work in the RSA of Lazio 25 thousand people including nurses, technicians, and administrators. Although the structures have invited, via email, their employees to join the vaccination, few have given their support. In some structures there is even talk of the 10 percentage of “yes”. And here some businessmen are going to fight back by announcing that, in the case of infections within the RSA, with admissions blocking and the closure of the structure, the personnel who refused to be vaccinated will be responsible for the infection. Also because family visits are still prohibited with the elderly who remain alone and exposed to this danger. Meanwhile, the December 30 A meeting is planned between the unions of private structures, Aiop (lay employers) and Aris (religious employers) with the Regional Councilor for Health of Lazio, Alessio D’Amato, to assess the situation.

The situation in Piedmont

It is also bad in Piedmont where, according to the national association Anaste, which conducted a survey on 1,000 employees in 3,800 – the 70 percent said they were against the vaccine. “Half are close to the No-vax positions,” says Michele Assandri, president of Anaste Piemonte. For the Obiettivo sociale consortium «there are better situations, where the fifty percent, and others where 8 his 10 they don’t want to know. We have a case where we go fifty employees, 48 They told us they were against it, ”says President Paolo Spolaore. It is better, however, in Tuscany where, according to Anaste, they have joined 8,700 operators in 11 thousand.

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