The first to receive the vaccine dose at Papa Giovanni hospital was Luca Lorini, head of intensive care. Giuseppe Remuzzi, first vaccinated in Alzano.
The head of intensive care at the “Papa Giovanni” hospital in Bergamo, Luca Lorini (in the opening photo), the colleague from the infectious diseases department, Marco Rizzi, the director of the emergency room, Roberto Consentini, They are among the first to receive the Covid-19 vaccine in the early afternoon of Sunday, December 27. With them also the president of the Order of doctors, Guido Marinoni and the representatives of the other Orders – Nurses, Midwives and Health Professions – Gianluca Solitro, Nadia Rovelli, Guido Muzzi and the representatives of nurses, accredited private centers and RSA.

Vaccinations at the “Papa Giovanni XXIII” hospital in Bergamo
(Photo by Colleoni)
At the Alzano hospital, however, the first to receive the dose of the vaccine was Giuseppe Remuzzi, scientist and director of the Mario Negri Institute.: then it is the turn -among others- of Roberto Keim, head of Intensive Care at Seriate, Angelo Mercieri, in charge of the Bolognini Emergency Service and Antonio Ranieri, director of the surgical service of Asst Bergamo Est. But he is always in Alzano They will also vaccinate the presidents of the Orders of Pharmacists and Dentists, Ernesto De Amici and Stefano Almini, along with representatives of the medical unions and other representatives of the sector.

Giuseppe Remuzzi, first vaccinated at Alzano hospital

Managing and inoculating the first 100 doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, a true display of forces:
In action at Pope John XXIII there are three doctors, three pharmacists and four nurses who will handle two boxes, to vaccinate two people at the same time, while the others who wait will read and sign the informed consent.
. The operations are coordinated by Simonetta Cesa, director of the social and health professions, Daniela Borleri, at the head of the Occupational Medicine Unit, Giulia Bombardieri for the Medical Directorate and Cristina Caldara, head of the identified territorial socio-care processes as a campaign reference.
For the Alzano Lombardo hospital, there are three stations coordinated by three doctors and three nurses: Delia Bonzi, director of the Asst Bergamo Est Pharmacy, was going to receive the Areu automatic with vaccines, but in addition to her the other facility managers will also be present .
Both Asst, which have 50 doses each, have organized the day with a precise calendar, which includes approximately ten minutes for each administration.. All health workers who will have to inoculate the doses have followed a distance training course made available to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità: the last update just yesterday afternoon.