Matteo renzi ruin the “historic day” of Giuseppe Conte self-celebrating for the first (few) doses of Vaccine for COVID-19 arrive in Italy by day V today. The leader of Italia Viva sends another dire message to government from the prime minister: “The experience of Count 2 for me is already archivedto. If you want we can discuss the after ”, the words of the former prime minister according to a background Corriere della Sera. In short, “game over” is one step away, “also because I would have to hide on Mars if I changed my mind.”
Renzi even goes so far as to insult, speaking to a leader of the Democratic Party, as reported by Francesco Verderami: “Did you hear what he said about delegation of services? Made it a party problem. Joke worthy of a institutional illiterateSunken. Renzi wants the crisis, and tomorrow he will start beating Conte after the Christmas holidays by presenting the observations of Alive italy to the draft in Recovery plan from Palazzo Chigi.
A document that aims to crush without appealing the “no vision obvious collagefull of repetitions and with wrong paragraphs ”of the government on European funds.
Renzi smells the blood and in the “first days of January” “I will also dare to Di Maio me Gypsies “, are the words attributed to it. It also has some for Dario Franceschini, “a kind of judge of instruction, who intervenes only at the last minute to certify political deaths. “But charge 3 could also happen with the political death of charge 2.” It may be, although relying on “the third government of the ombudsman” would cost me “, the words Verderami attributes to Renzi. Who seems increasingly willing to break Pandora’s box. Or is he preparing yet another hoax?