With this spontaneous exclamation from Dr. Lidia Dalfino, V-Day in Puglia started at 9.27.
At the Bari Polyclinic, the covid resuscitation medical director was the first to receive the vaccine produced by Pfizer. After her it was the turn of two other women: a resident and a nurse. “This moment has finally come, it really is a great relief,” said Dr. Dalfino. “I, like everyone who works in the covid area – he added – I am very convinced that this is a turning point. The hope is that everyone understands it and that this vaccination campaign will join in en masse.
“It is only the beginning, but it is an important beginning – Regional Health Advisor Pier Luigi Lopalco commented with satisfaction -. It is a symbolic day because the fight against this virus began at the same time throughout Europe, throughout Italy and in all the provinces of Apulia. Today is also a test day so that we can verify the functioning of the organizational machinery of the vaccination campaign. The first real phase will begin in the next few days, when the quantities of vaccine necessary to vaccinate the first 95 thousand people in Puglia, health workers and guests of the RSA arrive. So far we have a very good membership, with 50 thousand people already registered on our site but we remind those who have the right that until the end of the year we will continue to incorporate partners ».
“Today – said the director of the Health Department of the Puglia Region, Vito Montanaro – It is the first day, it is only demonstrative, because we administered 505 doses, but from the first days of January 95 thousand doses will be administered in Puglia ».
Six cars left the Policlinico di Bari this morning, one for each province of Apulia, to deliver the doses.