what can be done, what can’t (and how long will it last) – Corriere.it


After the red days of Christmas on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4 Italy returns to the orange zone, based on the provisions of the Christmas decree.

What movements are allowed?

Remembering that – for proven needs (health, work, reunification of couples, reunification of separated parents with children), you can always move around the peninsula, and that you are always allowed to return home (address, residence), the rules are as follows .

In the orange zone you can move within your municipality, without the need for self-certification, between 5 in the morning and 10 at night, when the curfew is activated.

During the night, to go out, even in the orange zone, self-certification is necessary (which you can find here).

It is forbidden to move between the Regions, except for the reasons stated above (verified needs, return home).

You can move between municipalities only for two reasons other than the verified needs and the return home: to visit a family member or friend, go to a private home, within the Region, once a day, with self-certification and a maximum of two (children under 14 are not included in the calculation); and more than two can travel outside the municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants, traveling a distance of no more than 30 kilometers and without traveling to the provincial capital.

Is it possible to go home even if I am outside the region I am in?

Returning home is always allowed

. Although throughout the holiday period, from December 21 to January 6, 2021, any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces is prohibited, the return to home, residence or domicile is always allowed. on the other hand, it is forbidden to go to second homes located in another autonomous community or autonomous province.

Can I go for a walk or a run?

S, motor and sports activity allowed

as long as it is within its own municipality and outdoors. Gyms, swimming pools and sports centers are closed.

Are the stores open?

Yes, the stores are open until 9:00 p.m., the shopping centers are closed on holidays and the eve of holidays.

Are the restaurants and bars open?

The activities of catering services such as bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries are suspended. You can order food at home. And until 10 pm it is also possible to buy take-out food, which cannot be consumed on the spot.

How long will the orange zone last?

Three days: December 28, 29 and 30. The next day in orange will be January 4, 2021.

The Christmas decree and the rules

December 27, 2020 (change December 27, 2020 | 12:34)

