“So at the time of Covid you can also die from the wrong molecular swab”


https://www.tp24.it/immagini_articoli/27-12-2020/1609023880-0-nbsp-cosi-al-tempo-del-covid-si-puo-morire-anche-per-nbsp-un-tampone- molecolare-sbagliato.png

Covid kills, even indirectly. Even when it’s not there. And the testimony we publish today speaks of a broken life in the context of a health emergency that penalizes even those who do not have Covid.

It is the story of a man who died after an aneurysm, it is a story of delays, of inexplicable expectations, of a positive but apparently incorrect molecular swab. The testimony that comes to us comes from Mr. Filippo Rallo, who told our editorial team about the hectic stages of the last days of Mr. Pietro Ferro’s life, from Marsala.

Egr. Director, I wanted to draw the attention of public opinion, through your newspaper that has so much echo in our province, that you can also die from an incorrect molecular swab.
And precisely, about ten days ago around h. 08:00 Pietro is in a bar in Mazara del Vallo for work with two of his colleagues when he suddenly feels bad and is immediately escorted to the emergency room of the hospital in the same city. An aneurysm is diagnosed, the always conscious patient awaits the arrival of his wife and children from Marsala and before being sedated he tells them to wait for him in the waiting room that they would soon return home, so it is assumed that he damage cannot be irreparable.
After fixing all the bureaucratic part, around h. At 10.30 am the ambulance leaves for Palermo Villa Sofía hospital, unless the counter-order arrives and must return immediately to Mazara since the patient is positive for Covid. When we are asked why it was not done before starting the vehicle, we are told that the molecular swab result had to come from Marsala (the reason is not clear …) and that the patient would be transferred to a covid room .

Meanwhile, the precious minutes and hours pass inexorably, and he remains parked in the atrium of the emergency room inside an ambulance waiting for a hospital with a Covid department (the entire emergency room and the areas where the patient had passed away) . Finally, around 1:00 p.m. the OK from the Cívico of Palermo arrives, only considering that the situation was accelerating, we had to wait for the arrival of the rescue helicopter involved in another operation in Ustica. Always when asked why she had not been asked to intervene before with no little arrogance, she (a nurse) replied that “I was busy and that the costs of these interventions are too exorbitant”: as if a person’s life could be compare the god of money, (it is evident that among so many angels / heroes there was someone stupid …)

Around 3:00 pm the rescue arrives by helicopter and around 8:00 pm Pietro finally enters the operating room, according to the doctors the intervention seems to have gone well only that it was necessary to keep Pietro in a pharmacological coma and wait waiting for ( considering the time elapsed) there had been no irreparable damage and that the bleeding had not spread to the brain. One of the doctors confided to his son that those who arrive from the province of Trapani with such problems have a much lower percentage of saving their skin than those who arrive from Palermo or neighboring areas since in these extreme cases it is necessary to intervene as soon as possible …
The next day, at the insistence of the family members (all negative), 3 swabs are repeated to Pietro and, ironically, all 3 are negative. Due to this human error, if someone is found to have to answer in the corresponding offices, who can guarantee that Pedro could not be saved due to this negligence?

In fact, Pietro will no longer come out of a coma and after 11 long days of agony for him and his family, a man’s heart stops beating in the midst of his work, family and social activity.

Pietro Ferro (Pitrino for his friends), a person of refined intelligence, with a great sense of humor, humanity and an innate spirit of sacrifice had gone.
And that is why, so that another similar case is not repeated, we ask those who administer us to be interested in order to ensure that in one of the 5 hospitals in our province a department dedicated to these problems may arise tomorrow, so that any of we (no one excluded) could have a similar experience to Peter and his family.

Have a good trip captain, we are sure that even up there you will be unbeatable with your fishing rod …
