live the first anti-Covid vaccines of the Bari Polyclinic


“I, like all of us who work in the Covid area, am very convinced that this is a turning point, the hope is that everyone understands it and that we adhere en masse to this vaccination campaign”: this is Lidia Dalfino , Medical Director of Covid Resuscitation. from the Policlinico di Bari and the first Apulia to receive the Covid vaccine. Apulian V-Day started this morning from Bari hospital, where around eight of the first 505 doses destined for the region were delivered, arriving last night at Bari airport. The vials were then classified at the vaccination points of the six provinces of Apulia, while the first three administrations were carried out at the Policlico transfusion center: together with Dr. Dalfino, apprentice Lucilla Crudele and nurse Anna Ventrella , on call at the Emergency Department, underwent vaccination. The next dose will be inoculated between January 18 and 19. “Viva,” Dalfino said immediately after the vaccination.

Dr. Dalfino’s first words: “This moment has finally come”

“The largest vaccination campaign in history is beginning,” said the hospital’s special commissioner, Vitangelo Dattoli.

“It is only the beginning, but it is an important beginning – commented with satisfaction the regional adviser of health, Pier Luigi Lopalco -. It is a symbolic day because the fight against this virus began at the same time throughout Europe, throughout Italy and in all the provinces of Apulia. Today is also a test day so that we can verify the functioning of the organizational machinery of the vaccination campaign. The first real phase will begin in the next few days, as the quantities of vaccine necessary to vaccinate the first 95 thousand people in Puglia, health workers and guests of the RSA arrive. So far we have a very good membership, with 50 thousand people already registered on our site, but we remind those who have the right that we will continue to join until the end of the year. “

“Today – said the director of the Department of Health of the Puglia Region, Vito Montanaro – is the first day, it is only demonstrative, because we administered 505 doses, but from the first days of January, 95 thousand doses will be administered in Puglia “. In Puglia, distribution “will be planned as we have planned from the 11 facilities that we have identified as hubs throughout the region,” he added, noting that “obviously we have an almost manic preparation plan in place to try to distribute in the the fewest days as possible, the largest number of vaccine doses. ” The second phase will begin as soon as “the government starts all of Italy, that is, one day after receiving the doses that we have planned to administer for a month.”
