And finally the kiss came. Burning. Announced. Passion explodes in Big Brother Vip, the Canale 5 reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini, Between Giulia Salemi me Pierpaolo Pretelli, who “sniffed” and flirted for days. And who knows what you think Elisabetta gregoraci, that in the house of GfVipHe had a special friendship with Pretelli. But now Pretelli looks further, with “the Christmas kiss” with Giulia Salemi. Kiss intercepted by some viewers who followed the live broadcast: first the effusions, the caresses, the hugs. Then the kiss. With all due respect to Salemi’s promises, which in a precedent GfVip started a story with image, then shipwrecked: “I don’t want to repeat the same thing,” Giulia swore as soon as she returned home. But she was proven wrong: the photos you can see below speak very clearly …