Covid vaccine, it is day V also in Campania: delivered the first 720 doses, here is the plan


It is v-day also in Campania. First day of vaccinations anti-covid, with 720 doses. At eight this morning, an army truck will unload the Pfizer-Biontech drug transported in special thermal containers from Rome at the Hospital del Mar in Naples. TO Jumpers the dose collection point, which will be distributed among the seven hospitals where the first 700 people will be vaccinated, all the doctors, nurses and health workers who have voluntarily reserved.

In the hospital of the sea 5 boxes are ready where from 9 in the morning 25 people will come every hour for inoculation. In total, one hundred health workers will be employed, in addition to the Hospital del Mar, also from the Loreto Mare, San Paolo, San Giovanni Bosco, Vecchio Pellegrini hospitals. Another 200 doses of the vaccine will be divided in half between the hospitals of Cardarelli and Cotugno, while 20 doses will be delivered to the RSA of Frullone for employees who work in contact with the elderly. It will be Dra. Filomena Liccardi, the first to be vaccinated in Cardarelli. She is on call in the emergency room, committed to treating sick patients from COVID-19. At Cardarelli, five boxes plus an emergency box are ready to administer the medicine. On the other hand, there are nine observation posts where those vaccinated will have to wait about fifteen minutes for observation. There is also a red dot for anaphylactic shock.

In Cotugno six boxes are ready, where groups of twenty people will alternate every hour, among which are the health workers of Monaldi, Cto and Pascale.

The didactic center of the hospital Ruggi from Salerno It will be the place chosen for the anti-Covid vaccines. An employee from each of the six clinics will be the first to enter the administration-enabled facilities. One hundred of all vaccinations scheduled on the first day in Salerno. They are all health workers from Ruggi-San Leonardo and from the Castiglione di Ravello hospital. Operations will start shortly before ten o’clock and, of course, two freezers are ready where the doses arriving from Naples will be immediately deposited. It will continue until sixteen.

One hundred doses are also planned for the San Sebastiano de Caserta hospital, identified as the city’s vaccination center. An emergency room nurse will be the first to get vaccinated in the outpatient clinic of the hospital’s single reservation center. Six vaccination points. The doses will be delivered to the manager of the San Sebastiano Pharmacy, Anna Dello Stritto, who has enabled two 729-liter freezers to store the vaccine that needs temperatures of minus 86 degrees in the indicated conditions. If, at the last moment, any of those hired does not show up for vaccination on the first day, they will be replaced by other health workers included in the reserve list.


Dr. Mariangela Raimondo, medical director of the Internal Medicine Operating Unit attached to the Covid hospital, and nurse Modestino Matarazzo, on duty at the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit and a reference in intensive care COVID-19, the first to be vaccinated at the Moscati hospital in Avellino. Matarazzo says: “An ethical and symbolic gesture, to set a good example”. One hundred doses also assigned to Avellino, all destined for the already reserved hospital employees. The administration will take place in the clinic set up in the allergy department.

Her name is Serena Balbi, a social and health worker, the first to be vaccinated at the Rummo hospital in Benevento. Also in the Samnite capital, one hundred doses of vaccine are planned, which will be administered in the hospital’s educational center. Vaccine packages will be taken over by a police and carabinieri relay at the Hospital del Mar in Naples.

Everything is ready, therefore, after the controversy eleven days ago when the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, criticized the allocation in this first phase of only 135,890 doses per million and 833,975 in total in Italy. It begins and it is still a day of hope.

Last update: December 27 at 10:37 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
