Sunday December 27 is a historic date for Milan and Lombardy. Dubbed v-day or vax-day, it marks the first day of vaccination against the virus that has ravaged Italy and beyond since last spring. 1,620 doses of the Pfizer Biontech vaccine against covid will depart from the Niguarda hospital in Milan and will immediately reach all the symbolic places of the fight against the coronavirus, starting from Codogno, where patient 1 was identified.
The first 324 vials of COVID vaccine bound for Lombardy arrived in Niguarda shortly before 8 am, aboard an army vehicle escorted by the carabinieri. The general director of the hospital, Marco Bosio, and the police and military chiefs were waiting for them in a symbolic delivery. The vials, from which the 1,620 doses destined for the Lombard hospitals will be obtained, were then transferred to the hospital pharmacy and taken over by Dr. Alberto Medaglia’s team to later be divided and loaded into the Areu machines that will transport them to the the rest. 13 points in Lombardy where vaccinations will begin in the afternoon.
In Niguarda, on the other hand, in the morning, the first doses will be given to ‘symbol’ people and always in the front line during the pandemic. Among them Adele Gelfo, Oss who has always worked in intensive care; Thank you Fresta, on behalf of the service workers and numerous doctors, nurses, health personnel and rescuers.
Lombard Hospital Dosage
Pope John XXIII of Bergamo and Pesenti Fenaroli of Alzano Lombardo will also receive the highly anticipated vaccine in Lombardy, where 50 people will be vaccinated, from the director of the Mario Negri Institute Giuseppe Remuzzi to doctors and nurses from two hospitals where they met. the most dramatic effects of the first wave.
In Lombardy there will be a total of 65 centers where the doses to be administered will be stored in hospitals equipped with ultra-refrigerators essential to store the vaccine at -75 degrees. The launch of the campaign will be carried out by the president of the Region, Attilio Fontana, who, together with the Councilor for Well-being, Giulio Gallera, will be in Niguarda on Sunday. Doctors now known to the general public, such as Massimo Galli, Fabrizio Pregliasco and Giuliano Rizzardini, will be vaccinated at the Milan hospital.