The case of Veneto and the mystery of the contagion that does not stop


In Italy there is a region where the infectivity rate of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus has reached the monstrous level of 36%, or three times the national level. Veneto registered 2,523 infected yesterday, the highest number in Italy, and 33 deaths: it is the most affected region since December 5 and the fact that the contagion does not stop while even territories like Lombardy can currently have a better time remains a mystery without explanation.

The case of Veneto and the mystery of the contagion that does not stop

Or rather, there is one: the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee Agostino Miozzo in an interview with The impression rejects the connection with the English variant and instead points to the yellow zone: “I would not dare to make a correlation of this type, we still do not have a determined answer, it is a question to investigate. about the circulation of the virus, but it was not the only region that kept everything open, so it is not a sufficient explanation. Another factor may be the amount of swabs that are made there. ” In any case, remember today only The impression, on Christmas Eve, the Venice Zooprophylactic Institute identified three samples of patients positive for Covid in the English variant in the area.

The announcement was made by President Luca Zaia. They are two women and one man, unrelated, from the province of Treviso and Vicenza, now isolated at home with only a slight fever. But Zaia during the press conference also revealed that in November eight different variants of Sar-Cov-2 were found in his region, two of which are not yet found in Italy and therefore presumably typical of the territory.

“We wondered why we have fewer ICUs in Veneto today compared to the first wave and today we have the answer: it is a different virus.” This is how Luciano Flor, regional director of health, explains it when talking about the results of the study of the Zooprophylactic Institute. “This wave is particularly epidemic,” added Flor, reiterating that the virus currently circulating in her region has nothing to do with the mutations and therefore with the infections of last summer.

The region continues in this second wave with a very high number of infected and a record registered on December 24: 5010 new positives. Ricci herself tends to pour water on the fire: “Surely the virus is very present in Veneto, but not at dramatic levels. The Rt index is just above 1 and we have to work to lower it again,” she says today, but admits that “the opposite happened than in Lombardy. In the first phase, the Veneto defended itself well and the population remained essentially intact. This paradoxically puts us at a disadvantage now, because the virus, perhaps in a more contagious variant, is found in the grasslands It must be remembered that here the second wave started late, so what is happening in other places a month ago is happening now. ”And now?

What happens in January: the return of the red and orange zone and the regions at risk

Is the Veneto red zone destined to return?

Now it is very likely that the red zone in Veneto is destined to return even after January 7, when the Christmas 2020 restrictions expire. Ricci herself does not want to say it, Luca Zaia does not say it either, but this seems to be the only possible solution . for the region that until November was a model for the rest of Italy for its tracking capacity and for the health that withstood the impact of the epidemic. In fact, it will probably be the case of Veneto that offers the right to rethink the twenty-one parameter model that has determined the color of so many regions. Corriere della Sera explains today that the experience of the last few weeks is showing how even a few days in the yellow zone can be enough to witness the birth of new outbreaks. Ultimately, in the process of global assessment of the different colors, the specific weight of the intensive beds that kept the Veneto yellow on par with the results of these days could decrease.

In recent weeks the regional secretary of Anaao, the hospital’s doctors union, Adriano Benazzato, spoke extensively about “doped intensive therapies” to stay in the yellow zone. His alarm about the “weapons” that are in short supply: doctors, nurses and operators are very few and exhausted, “already in December 2019 the Region certified that 149 anesthetists were missing.” Figures among the few qualified to operate in intensive care.

The domino effect, in fact, doesn’t stop there. If the 1,000 intensive care beds really exist with lots of prefabricated spaces and equipment, what is in short supply is human resources. The upgrade to beds, respirators and monitors went smoothly, but calls for new hires for doctors, nurses and operators go blank. As a result, routine non-emergency activities and screening are postponed for several months.

For Domenico Crisarà, secretary of Fimmg in Veneto, there is one to add to the 21 parameters: “The responsibility of citizens that was lacking in Veneto”.
