Ferrari, 2 million less for the 2021 entry fee – F1 Team – Formula 1


The current calculation system for Registration fee for the Formula 1 world championship It was introduced in 2013 and provides for a fixed rate, to which a variable is added, based on the points obtained in the season that has just ended. The basic part currently amounts to 569 thousand dollars (466 thousand euros), the variable part has been set at 5,690 dollars per point (4,670 euros). This last installment has a single exception, the one related to the world champion team, which will pay $ 6,830 per point won (5,600 euros).

F1 | Registration fee 2021 (source: As)

TEAM 2020 FEE FEE 2021
Mercedes € 4,945,025 € 3,675,620
Red Bull € 2.590.377 € 1,956,550
McLaren € 1,227,647 € 1,410,160
Racing point € 866,924 € 1,377,470
Renault € 957.105 € 1,312,090
Ferrari € 3.026.251 € 1,078,590
Alpha Tauri € 927.045 € 966,510
Alfa Romeo € 786,764 € 504,180
Haas € 641,473 € 480,830
Williams € 506,202 € 466.820
TOTAL € 16.474.813 € 13,228,820

The total revenue paid to the FIA ​​is approximately 3 million lower than twelve months ago, and this is clearly due to the lower number of grand prizes contested due to the Coronavirus pandemic that has strongly altered the calendar. However, there are four teams that, due to the improvements shown on the track, will find themselves paying higher taxes: it is McLaren (+182 thousand euros), Racing Point (+510 mila euro), Renault (+354 thousand euros) and Alpha Tauri (+39 thousand euros).

At the same time, those who collected the least points saw the economic amount to be allocated to the Federation fall: Mercedes (-1.2 million), Red Bull (-633 thousand euros), Ferrari (-1.9 million), Alfa Romeo (-282 thousand euros), Haas (-160 thousand euros) and Williams (-39 thousand euros). Therefore, it will be the Maranello team that will save the most in 2021, “thanks” to the disappointing performances shown on the track, which allowed them to pay almost two million less than a year ago, two-thirds less, as the points obtained on the track. went from 504 to 131.
