“Drink wine, teetotalers don’t go to heaven.” The ironic Christmas homily


I invite you today to eat well, eat everything and drink a lot, but not Coca-Cola! Good wine, because wine is a sign of eternal life. In heaven, my brethren, teetotalers will not be able to enter because they drink wine.“Thus, with a joking exhortation, Don Pietro Cesena, parish priest of the parish of Borgotrebbia, in the province of Piacenza, wanted smile to the faithful during the mass Christmas celebrated this morning.

A’homily definitely sui generis, one of those who could convert even an incorruptible unbeliever to faith. Don Cesena was not discouraged and, despite the anti-life restrictions imposed by an austere climate, he tried to give some moments of joy to those present. “I invite you today to eat well, – he said –drink good wine and not Coca-Cola, because wine is a sign of eternal life. He who does not drink wine does not go to heaven“The invitation – unequivocally ironic – was welcomed by the public who did not hesitate to interrupt the celebration with laughter and thunderous applause.

the video From the homily he immediately went through social networks obtaining hundreds of shares in addition to the approval of the entire religious community. After all, Don Pietro Cesena is not new to our local news. Last April, when the ban on celebrating Mass with the faithful in attendance was imposed, the parish priest of Borgotrebbia broke the rule by charging a fine of 400 euros. “People are going crazy – Don Cesena said from the altar –the Coronavirus keeps us locked in the houses. The Christian experience is the opposite, it is going out to meet others. The doors of the Church are closed, but Christ overcomes all barriers and doors. We not only lack the money to restart and start over. For that we need something more, “he said, also referring to the economic crisis. Even more explicit about participation in the mass. “Don’t pay the fines to the police, don’t be afraid to come to mass. It is unconstitutional, it is somewhat oppressive. We will go to the judges and all this you will see that will be questioned“.
