Are you sure it’s just a friendship? We talk about Pierpaolo Pretelli me Giulia Salemi, that at Big Brother Vip, the reality show presented by Alfonso Signorini on Channel 5, they seem closer and closer, closer and closer. The last chapter? The two met on Christmas day together in the garden, under the blanket to shelter from the rain, away and away from the cameras, thanks to that blanket. And the two exchange tenderness and confidences. In short, there is definitely something cute about it (and Pretelli seems to have definitely forgotten about Gregoraci). The rain surprised them as they laughed and joked in the garden, so they took shelter, completely hiding from the view of others. And when Salemi tried to return, Pretelli hugged her tightly and stopped her from doing so. But not only. Laughter could be heard from under the covers and, above all, the sound of two kisses. Here the cat hatches us …