Coronavirus in Trentino, 10 positive in Borgo and 3 cases in Romeno. Here are the 52 municipalities of the infection and where the 5 deaths occurred


TRENTO. exist 21,585 almost me 962 deaths in Trentino due to the coronavirus emergency since the beginning of the epidemic, they are 18,811 the healed from the beginning of the emergency and 1,812 current positives to molecular swabs. Unfortunately, 5 deaths were reported, including 4 at the hospital. The deaths were attributed to the Municipalities of Trento (2 victims), Rovereto, Vallelaghi me Tre Ville. The balance is 492 deaths in this second wave of Covid.

The first vaccine vials from Pfizer-Biontech are awaited. The dosing schedule was also featured at today’s press point, the symbolic start of the vaccination campaign launched at European level (article here).

Meanwhile, the possibility of opening the winter season after Epiphany. The epidemiological situation in Trentino continues to be high and the pressure on the health system continues to be important, while the CTS rejected the guidelines of the Regions and plant engineers (Here article).

There are 379 people seeking treatment in the hospital system of which 49 patients are in intensive care me 58 in high intensity. In the tables 124 positives reported to the Ministry and Civil Protection are published: 68 new positives and 56 molecular ones already antigenic. In contrast, 86 cases were found among the 68 new molecular positives and 18 infected with antigen test results (here article).

In detail the results of molecular swabs. A Trento They have been found 15 contagion leading to 438 positives, 11 positivity a Rovereto (168 current positives) me 10 almost a Borgo Valsugana (52 current positives).

exist 6 infections a Levico (38 current positives) e First San Martino di Castrozza (37 current positives); 5 almost in Cles (37 current positives); 4 contagion a Pergine (72 positive current) e Roncegno Terme (40 current positives).

me 3 positivity a Arc (28 current positives), Riva del Garda (42 current positives), Lavis (35 current positives), Ledro (22 current positives), Predaia (13 current positives) e Romanian (4 current positives).

Then 2 contagion a Vallelaghi (13 current positives), I died (38 current positives), Ville d’Anaunia (9 current positives), Telve (10 current positives), Borgo d’Anaunia (8 current positives) e Canal San Bovo (10 current positives).

Still 1 positive a Mezzolombardo (12 current positives), Predazzo (13 current positives), Mezzocorona (15 current positives), Dro (14 current positives), Vigolana Plateau (13 current positives), Giudicarie saddle (16 current positives), Storo (5 current positives), tion (11 current positives), Brentonico (12 current positives), Cembra Lisignago (12 current positives), Caldonazzo (8 current positives), Male (7 current positives), Cavedine (4 current positives), Besenello (3 current positives), Madruzzo (9 current positives), Grigno (5 current positives), They fly (9 current positives), Pomarolo (4 current positives), Calliano (5 current positives), Altavalle (4 current positives), Segonzano (5 current positives), Tenna (4 current positives), Albian (7 current positives), counted (1 positive current), Livo (2 current positives), San Lorenzo Dorsino (3 current positives), Sanzeno (1 positive current), Soraga di Fassa (1 positive current), Sarnonico (2 current positives), Ruffrè-Mendola (2 current positives), Ticino belts (3 current positives) e Luserna (1 positive current).
