The Umbria Region plan is ready for the official start of Vaccine Day: the program and organization of the regional anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign have been defined, the “San Matteo degli Infermi” hospital in Spoleto, In the transfusion service, it will host, starting at 10 a.m. tomorrow, the vaccination teams of the four hospitals and territorial companies in Umbria and the first health workers to whom the doses of vaccine produced by Pfizer will be administered .
“On December 27 – as highlighted by the Councilor for Health of the Umbria Region, Luca Coletto – represents, in addition to other measures such as the use of personal safety devices and social distancing, a pillar for overcoming the pandemic “.
And again: “For the day of the vaccination, a total of 85 subjects will be vaccinated: twenty members of the four vaccination teams, operators of the Spoleto hospital and the Umbrian health companies and hospitals, and fifteen guests from the RSA Santa Margherita de Perugia “.
The day’s program “foresees the arrival of the thawed Pfizer vaccine at the Perugia hospital around 8 o’clock and within an hour the vaccine in a refrigerated bag and the vaccination support material will leave for the Immuno Transfusion Service of the ‘ Spoleto Hospital where the vaccination activity will begin at 10 am. Testimonies of the vaccination campaign will be all the operators of the vaccination teams, that is, the professionals who will remain in the process with a leading role by continuing to carry out the vaccinations when start the campaign. at full speed. “
The calendar “establishes that the operators of the vaccination team of the Usl Umbria 1 must be vaccinated first, since then they will have to go to the Residence” S. Margherita “in Perugia to vaccinate the guests of the Hospital of Perugia and the Hospital de Terni and Spoleto, the vaccination of health workers identified by the companies will begin at 11.30 am To ensure maximum safety of operations together with adequate compliance with anti-contagion measures, the “entry into the part of the hospital that participates in the vaccination operations “.