10,407 new cases and 261 deaths – Corriere.it


In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 2,038,759 people (including the recovered and the dead) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus: i new cases I am 10,407, + 0.5% compared to the previous day (yesterday they were +19,037), while I deaths today I am 261, + 0.4% (yesterday they were +459), for a total of 71,620 victims since February. People retrieved or downloaded I am 1,386,198 usually: 9,089 those who came out of the Covid nightmare today, + 0.7% (yesterday they were +32,324). He positive current – the subjects who now have the virus – turn out to be in total 580,941, equal to +1,055 vs. yesterday, -0.2% (yesterday they were -13,746). Today, after so many days of decline, the current positives increase because the new cases are more than the sum of cured and deaths.

me tampons They were 81,285, or 71,049 less than yesterday when it was 152,334. While the positivity rate of the 12.8% (the approximation of 12.803%): means that out of 100 swabs performed, more than 12 were positive; yesterday it was 12.5%. This percentage gives an idea of ​​the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed. Here is the map of contagion in Italy.

Fewer infections in 24 hours than yesterday, compared to fewer tampons. The tests that are carried out at Christmas, those that are communicated today, are less numerous than those in the middle of the week, as always happens during the holidays. On the eve of the vaccination day, even if the cases are below 20 thousand Since December 6, the scene has not improved as it should. Also thanks to the English variant and the other eight strains that have been identified in Veneto, as Governor Luca Zaia explained today, which makes Veneto the most affected region.

Victims decrease in 24 hours: This is the lowest figure since the second wave worsened. In fact, today’s deaths are comparable (very similar in number) to those recorded in early November and late October: back then, the deaths were 233 November 2 208 November 1 and 297 October 31st. After these dates October 31 – November 2, the number of people who lost their lives in one day was always more than 300 or more. It must be said that sometimes the data on deaths on holidays are not complete.

The decline in hospitalizations continues, with a decrease that today is only slight. THE hospitalized in Covid common rooms I am 23,304 in total: here the occupied beds are -98 compared to the day before (yesterday -668). While the most seriously ill of intensive care (YOU) I am 2,582 total: the number of beds occupied in resuscitation is -2 (yesterday -5), but they are +135 people join IT (+165 yesterday), and Campania did not provide this data. If the number of beds occupied in intensive care has decreased by 2 units, but 135 people have entered IT, it means that in the last 24 hours they have left IT 137 patients (135 + 2) as improved or dead.

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Article updating …

December 26, 2020 (change December 26, 2020 | 18:07)

