From receipt lottery to evictions, here are the latest changes to the milleproroghe


provision all

Nothing to do to stop drilling, which despite pressure from the Five Stars was removed from the decree. Instead, the mini-slip of the receipt lottery enters, which is moved to February 1. One more year of Cig for Ilva. About sending pre-filled health data to start only from 2022

by Marco Mobili and Gianni Trovati

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Nothing to do to stop drilling, which despite the pressure of the Five Stars was removed from the decree. Instead, the mini-slip of the receipt lottery enters, which is moved to February 1. One more year of Cig for Ilva. About sending pre-filled health data to start only from 2022

4 ‘reading

The milleproroghe decree examined on December 23 by the Council of Ministers also includes another six months of blocking evictions. A block that applies to cases of non-payment of rents and transfer of foreclosed properties, and which makes Confedilizia furious. Nothing to do, however, to stop the drills, which despite pressure from the Five Stars has been removed from the final decree. Instead, the mini-slip of the receipt lottery enters, which is moved to February 1. Merchants who do not issue the document will be subject to reporting only as of March 1. With this move, in short, the government confirms its willingness to start the lottery, but offers traders a few more weeks to adapt.

every decision

Despite the contemporaneity with the crucial phases of the budget law in the Chamber, even the classic end-of-year decree represented an opportunity to ignite more than one confrontation in the majority. An opportunity multiplied by the omnibus system of the service, which inter alia inter alia on all the main files embedded in the country’s industrial policy: highways, with six more months for the definition of rate plans, Alitalia, with a postponement of the terms for Amortization of the loan of 400 million to the national airline, and now also Ilva, with the extension to the whole of 2021 for the integration of the Cigs (19 million).


The receipt lottery
The mini-extension of the lottery receipt, whose departure is scheduled for January 1, 2021, is the latest news brought directly to the Council of Ministers on December 23 with which the Government approved the emergency measure at the end of the year. For now, the start of the receipt lottery would have been postponed until February 1, 2021 to allow a few more weeks for merchants to adjust the cash registers. The other mini postponement until March 1, 2021 should also be read at this address for the taxpayers’ report to the tax authorities of those merchants that will not issue the receipt that prevents citizens from participating in the weekly, monthly and annual draws. However, it is not excluded that in these last hours that separate the text of the decree law approved on December 23 in the CDM and its arrival in the Official Gazette, now set for December 30, 2020, that period of February 1 also can become March 1, 2021. and to follow the signaling process can be postponed even further on April 1, 2021. It is no coincidence, in fact, that the same Treasury Agency on Christmas Eve, has granted more time to the merchants and to adapt to the new electronic means for sending the data of the daily rates (version 7.0 of June 2020), however leaving the possibility until that date of transmitting the data through the previous version (6.0). calendar, the will of the Government is to start the State Riffa also to strengthen the fight against cash and undeclared, thus contributing to the financing of the new tax loyalty fund introduced with the budget maneuver 2 021 and intended to finance with a broader tax reform.

Latest entries

With the milleprorogeh there is also the extension until March 31 of the emergency rules of company law for the management of shareholders’ meetings in times of Covid. Subsequently, an additional year is granted to subjects linked to the health card system for the daily electronic transmission of the daily rates for the construction of the preloaded statements. The text also includes “cinemabonds”, which is the possibility for the Istituto Luce to become a public limited company and issue financial instruments in regulated markets.

The other rules

The two richest chapters refer to emergency rules, starting with Commissioner Arcuri’s operations, which last en bloc until March 31, and those of the AP, from stabilizations to competitions to transparency obligations. of managers. In the area of ​​local taxes, the extension of the entry into force of the new single patrimonial income that will replace the current income from occupation of public land and the tax on advertising from January 1 does not manage to make room. The extension, requested aloud by the mayors who, for the most part, have not been able to define the new entry regulations so far, met with opposition from the Ministry of Economy.
