The explosion of a caravan that took place in is still shrouded in mystery Nashville, in Tennessee, the Christmas day. The explosion, heard from miles away, damaged the facades of the buildings located near the At & t tower (nicknamed “Batman Tower”) and at least a couple of vehicles. Three people were slightly injured. The police immediately spoke of a “deliberate act” and left. hunt down those responsibleBut the questions remain: what was the purpose of the caravan bomb? And who was involved in the explosion? Research sources cited by the Cnn, in fact, they speak of “possible human remainsFound near the vehicle, on which all necessary investigations are now being carried out.
Police asked anyone with information about the incident to come forward and released the images from the video surveillance cameras to the media. In the videos you can clearly see the caravan that buzzing on the streets of the city hours before the explosion. The vehicle would be parked near the Batman Tower just before two in the morning. The vehicle also, as revealed by the chief of the Nashville Metropolitan Police, John drake, quoted by CnnBefore exploding, it would have transmitted an audio message, warning of the explosion of a bomb “in 15 minutes“. The message appears to have allowed the officers, who rushed to the scene after the reporting a shooting, of secure area and avoid a more serious budget.
The FBI is investigating the case together with the Federal Arms and Explosives Agency and the police. President Donald trump “He was briefed” on the situation, the White House said through spokesman Judd Deere. Trump, who is on vacation in Florida, will continue to receive regular updates. According to the reconstruction of the local police spokesman Don Aaron, reported by guardian, at Christmas the agents answered a call to alleged shooting just before 6 a.m., but they found no immediate signs of a shooting. At that moment they saw a suspicious vehicle and called it bomb squad. While they were waiting, after evacuating the area, the vehicle exploded. Teams of dogs have intervened in the area, Aaron said, but “there is no indication” of the presence of any bomb.